Lie of the day. Russian media: a tragedy in Odessa was organized by the “Right Sector”


Russian state media, in particular channels “Russia-1″ and “Russia-24″ informed on Wednesday that Russia wants to appeal to the Hague Tribunal accusing Ukrainian “Right Sector” in the organization of the tragedy in Odessa on the May 2, when during the events in the House of Trade Unions more than 40 people died. 

Here is how Russian Kremlin’s channel “Russia-1″ informed on Wednesday (ed.- 21st of May) about new developments of the Ukrainian investigation of the tragedy in the House of Trade Unions in Odessa on the 2nd of May: “The Russian Foreign Ministry is considering filing a lawsuit to the Hague Tribunal in connection with the tragic events in the House of Trade Unions in Odessa on May 2. A MEP from Latvia Tatiana Zhdanok encouraged to call the “Right Sector” to account for the use of chemical weapons in the building trade unions. “

The same channel on Tuesday organised another release of a program of “Special Correspondent” Arkady Mamontov named “Odessa. New Katyn”, where in the same spirit, even before the completion of the investigation of this tragedy, all blame is placed on “Kiev’s junta”, “Ukrainian fascists” and the “Right Sector”. Although new information of the investigative commission in Kiev testifies that as a result of the investigation of the events in Odessa on May 2 a suspicion of committing of a crime will be announced to Odessa City Council deputies from the party “Rodina” Sergei Bovbalan and Evgeny Khaikin. You can see it in this video (unfortunately, it’s in Russian):