May 11-12, 2014 Lithuanian media round-up

On May the 11th Lithuanian Ministry of Foreign Affairs published a press release about referendums in Donetsk and Luhansk in Ukraine. The Ministry expressed regrets that ‘in spite of the international community’s warnings, an illegal voting was hastily carried out as referendums in Eastern Ukraine, which violated international law and the Constitution of Ukraine. This voting has no legal effect and is not legally binding. It has only led to further rising tensions in Eastern Ukraine.’ (Ministry of Foreign Affairs information, ELTA,,,

Christine Lagarde, Managing Director of the International Monetary Fund (IMF), warned that Ukrainian crisis could have serious economical impact for global economy. (

On 11th of May Pro-Ukrainian protesters in London Trafalgar Square booed Valery Gergiev, Russian conductor, which signed a letter supporting Putin’s actions in Crimea ( 

Herman van Rompuy, President of the European Council, on 12th of May traveled to Kiev responding to Ukrainian Prime Minister Arseniy Yatsenyuk’s invitation to discuss ways of stabilizing the situation in Ukraine. After the meeting with Arseniy Yatsenyuk, President of the European Council said ‘that European Union is firmly committed to Ukraine’s unity, sovereignty, independence and territorial integrity. And EU doesn’t recognise the annexation of Crimea and Sevastopol and the so-called “referenda” of yesterday, because they are illegal and not credible.’ Herman van Rompuy also stressed that it is urgent that Russia calls upon the armed separatists to lay down their weapons and to vacate the buildings they illegally occupied. (European Council Press release,

On 11th of May, Jean-Claude Juncker, EPP candidate for President of the European Commission, warned that Ukraine due to violence and political crisis will not join European Union at least for ten years. (,

May 7, 2014 Lithuanian media round-up

On May 7th Mustafa Dzemilev, Leader of the Crimean Tatars, was awarded Solidarity Prize by Poland for respect of civil rights and liberties in Ukraine, especially in Tatar community. (,

Ukraine, during official events dedicated to the anniversary of the ending of WWII, will use European instead of Russian symbols. The Ukrainian Institute of National Memory is calling for the media and civil community to use the red poppy flower as a Ukrainian symbol of traditional celebration of victory over Nazism and the end of World War II in Europe. (

On May 7th Ukraine from International Monetary Fund (IMF) got 3,19 billion US dollars as the first part of emergency aid package. (,,,

Danylo Lubkivski, Ukrainian Deputy Minister of Foreign Affairs, in an interview to stressed that in Eastern Ukraine acts Russian saboteurs and agents and that must be called terrorism. He also expressed his gratitude to Lithuanians for their solidarity to Ukraine people. (

Loreta Graužinienė, Speaker of Lithuanian Parliament, on a News radio said that ‘to the use of so-called St. George ribbons in the Ukrainian crisis context, should be viewed with a higher degree of responsibility’. Read more in Lithuania Tribune:

Pat Cox, the former President of the European Parliament, in an interview to BNS said that ‘a Cold War has already started between the Western world and Russia, and Western sanctions probably will not alter the behaviour of Russian President Vladimir Putin’ (, Read more in Lithuania Tribune:

Mikhail Khodorkovsky in an interview to Lietuvos rytas said that ‘if the Russian invasion to Ukraine would be not stopped, the Baltic or the Balkan countries could be the next target‘ (, Read more in Lithuania Tribune:

Herman van Rompuy, President of the European Council, in his official Twitter said that ‘Further steps in destabilising Ukraine will call for additional sanctions. The EU is ready to take decisions, if needed’.(