May 15, 2014 Lithuanian media round-up

On 15th of May, Alexander Lukashenko, Belarusian President, met with Mikhail Yezhel, Ukraine’s Ambassador in Belarus. During the meeting Belarusian President said that ‘he wishes that the Ukraine crisis ended as soon as possible and that there was no need to pull Ukraine in any blocs or bring troops there from any side.’ (,

Marius Laurinavičius, analyst of Eastern Europe Studies Center, in his commentary in IQ journal said that ‘Russia is determined to target weak states such as Ukraine firstly, because in these countries it is easy to split up society according to plans form directors of Moscow and also that they hoped to win without any help from army.’ (IQ journal)

On 15th of May Linas Linkevičius, Lithuanian Minister of Foreign Affairs, participated in global security forum GLOBSEC and stressed the need to ensure independent elections of Ukrainian President in order to stabilise situation in Ukraine.The representatives of the states also agreed to continue to strengthen and coordinate a response to Russian aggression, annexation of Crimea and continuous subversion activities in Eastern Ukraine. (Lithuanian Ministry of Foreign Affairs information, ELTA,