Dmitry Tymchuk: ‘The Generals of ATO are pathetic’


We are speaking with Dmitry Tymchuk, the leader of ‘Information Resistance’ (IR) group and the head of ‘Military and Political center’, about anti-terrorist operation in general and problems of Ukrainian armed forces that relates to the execution of ATO.

-Everyone has questions why ATO is so sluggish and ineffective. What is your opinion why the operation has failed?

 I wouldn’t say that ATO has failed. Under all given circumstances ATO has reached some results and that is very good. We need to consider that there were plenty of factors influencing the success of ATO in order to understand the amount of problems that ATO soldiers had to overcome. There are several reasons for inefficiency: political, military, psychological, economic (speaking about material and technical supplies)

 -I prefer to start from the cornerstone – politics.

Starting from events in Crimea it has become very common to personally blame either O. Turchynov or A. Yatsenyuk. And Yatsenyuk is involved only to not leave Turchynov alone in the blacklist. And, of course, generals of armed forces are there to be blamed as well. Our ‘Information Resistance’ group is not an exception – we also have blamed our government on many occasions.

And it is pretty logical: a fish rots from the head down. On the other hand, after Crimea we had many opportunities to evaluate the situation from the common point of view. And the more we learned the more questions arose regarding every level of governance. Moreover, it turned out that most of questions aimed at Turchynov had to answered by someone else.

Talking about political situation. Yes, after events in Crimea we had no clear position from our highest ranking officers. But in last two months many things have changed. According to our data, Ukrainian government mustered the required political courage to finally start dealing with problems in Donbass.

Unfortunately there’s starts other problems. Firstly, international pressure. Yes, the West supports us – applying sanctions for Russia and encouraging us. But the West has a clear stance – only negotiations and no blood.

This is nonsense. Negotiations are possible only with those who solve problems in a diplomatic way. But if those invited to “round-table discussions” reply with terrorism, they must be punished.

Second problem is Russia. A lot was said about not provoking Russia that I can’t go into that again.

-What about famous ‘Tymoshenko trace’? We often hear that Yulia Volodymyrivna doesn’t need presidential elections in which she has no chances to win. Therefore, Turchynov and Yatsenyuk, who are controlled by Tymoshenko, are failing ATO on purpose to prevent the election.

I have to admit that we also had such suspicions. But now I can claim that yes, current government can’t find competent people to manage ATO. This is the problem and responsibility of our government. ATO is blocked by many internal problems, but we can’t see ‘Tymoshenko’s hand’ there. Whether you believe it or not, this is the way it is.

Personally I’m convinced that current government already has enough real shortages and there is no need to invent new ones. It would be better to realize the situation and fix those issues that currently are ‘in the shadows’.

-Responsibility of 13th of May, 2014 tragedy when soldiers of 95th brigade died, in social networks was assigned to Turchynov and Avakov…

This is nonsense. In case of Avakov – what is the relation between him and 95th brigade or military actions during ATO? These questions should be given to Koval  (Minister of Defense) and Mykhailo Kutsyn ( Chief of the General Staff and Commander-in-Chief of the Armed Forces of Ukraine). But for unknown reasons none of the critics have even mentioned them.

In case of Turchynov is the same situation. Is Turchynov assigning tasks for every brigade? Is he giving direct orders? Is he responsible for supplies? Is he personally responsible for actions that according to the military alphabet should be responsible head of a squad? If commanders starting from lieutenant doesn’t know statute then how president is involved into this?

We need to get rid of our habit to blame government for every single reason. It is very convenient to do so but with this way we will never solve our main problems and no significant victories will be achieved.

But I’m wrong – President is related. Turchynov‘s problem as the Supreme Commander is that in ATO headquarters sits incompetent bunch of high ranking officers, which competency and adequacy for that positions are questionable. And the all other problems goes down ike a domino to the lowest rank soldiers.  

By the way, the generals of military in ATO headquarters are causing most of the doubts. These gentlemen embody the poorness of our military. Pathological tendency to lie and pretend, panic fear to take responsibility for decision making, total lack of professionalism. This is an ugly picture and in today’s situation is unacceptable.

-There were many great talks about General Vasily Krutov, the Head of ATO, but as the time went on these talks were getting more and more negative…

Before ATO I talked with V. Krutov only once, therefore I can’t say that I know him well. I can only agree with the opinion of those who know him for a long time and are working with him now. The work in the Security Service of Ukraine (SBU) has negatively affected him.

-Why is he not substituted with someone else?

To whom? Tell me the name. We (ed. Information Resistance group) will talk about the candidate and in case of him being trustworthy we start lobbying him. I personally don’t know any good candidates. On the other hand, I’m not an expert of anti-terrorism.

 -So, everything can be fixed by changing the government?

We (ed. Information Resistance group) group thinks that government issues are the main problem. Solving this problem will catalyze solutions for the rest of the problems.

First of all, behavior of the soldier depends from his commander. I know this from the times of my own military service when I was a deputy company commander.

From the very beginning of ATO campaign the biggest issue was and still is that our forces – firstly military (more precisely commanders of all levels)- are not psychologically prepared for a battle. It is a paradox, but it is a fact. There are plenty of examples starting from Crimea when officers of middle and juniors ranks and privates simply refused to execute commands or even sabotaged them.

Our army was never fighting seriously. Experience in peacemaking operations is very limited – only Iraq can be mentioned. In other campaigns our soldiers were mainly in guarding roles. All this leads to a catastrophic condition of military training and total degradation of the military education system.

And much the same is within the Ministry of Internal Affairs. Our officers were very brave when confronted with unarmed protesters of Maidan. But when they faced well armed criminals we immediately fell into trouble.

But now we see that SBU together with the National Guard of Ukraine are successfully executing their tasks. In general, experience has a high price, but it can be gained and this is the most important thing. Also I am sure if we would have more adequate generals coordinating operations we would have much more victories and much less blood.

 -Speaking about the provision of ATO or more exactly the already legendary lack of it?

At the very beginning of operation it turned out that army had no resources. Army warehouses were empty – most of the things were stolen ages ago. By the way most of the thieves are working in the Ministry of Defense and General Headquarters now and continue to do the dirty jobs. For now I’ll say no names, but I promise, we are going to reveal them.

Resource allocation system (which was implemented even before Yanukovych and his team) turned out to be a very efficient way to steal governmental money, but was poorly suited to supply outside the permanent dislocation place located military units combat actions.

In the Ministry of Internal Affairs – the same problem. Suddenly it was noticed that there are no basic tools for police operations, for example stun grenades. It seems that everything was consumed for Maidan protests during reign of Yanukovych.

All these problems are being solved now. But urgency causes other troubles. The Ministry of Defense public purchasing system (which is declared as “clear”, which in fact is strongly corrupted) allows to receive goods only after 120 days from the day of the public offer is made even when finances are available. Recently a special law for ATO was passed but we can’t say that it was implemented successfully.

Another problem is that we simply can’t buy all the equipment we need from local manufacturers. Nevertheless the West promised their support, but until now not much of it had reached us. We can’t buy equipment from Europe because while “supporting” us, Europe has prohibited selling military equipment to Ukraine. On one hand, it makes sense because EU and UN has regulations preventing sale of weapons to conflict zones. But on the other hand, no one needs such “West support”. It is just a hypocrisy. As of now we can only rely on ourselves and partly on Americans.

But we must remember, that every problem with supplies of equipment is directly related with health and lives of our soldiers. Also every military officer that is responsible for solving these problems must be named and we should demand personal responsibility from him. Otherwise ATO will remain a waste without any significant results.

Interviewer: Ana Shumakova


The center of Mariupol is in blood

From Euromaidanpr Facebook

The clashes between the Ukrainian forces and pro-Russian terrorists have been going on since today’s morning, May 09, 2014. The building of the local police administration has been burnt completely. The terrorists have kidnapped the head of Police of Mariupol, Valeriy Androshchuk.

Pro-Russian snipers killed the commander of Dnipropetrovsk brigade of territorial protection, Sergey Demydenko. When he was already killed, the terrorists cut his ears and put out his eyes.

The commander of the military unit of National Guard, Sergey Savynskiy was severely injured.

Meanwhile, the Minister of Internal Affiars, Arsen Avakov, reports that up to 20 terrorists were annihilated. Four terrorists were taken captive.

Dmitry Tymchuk: Events 6th of May

Brothers and sisters, the 6th of May.

The bad:

1. Thehead of SBU, V. Nalyvaichenko, said that the situation in the Donbass is complicated because the locals are under the influence of serious disinformation and do not trust the Interior Ministry, Security Service and the Ministry of Defense.

So here is a question: what did structures of Ukraine did to fight the powerful propaganda machine from Russia for the past 2 months? Where do we start with our counter-propaganda? Who is responsible for our information policy and IPSO (informational-psychological operations) at headquarters of ATO? Where is the coordinating agency of informational resistance, which was supposed to be created under the National Security Council? Many questions and zero answers.

Yes, it’s true that both state structures and among the citizens there are plenty of patriots who are doing this work [information and counter-propaganda] out of sheer enthusiasm. That’s a good thing. But informational resistance against Russian propaganda is a task primarily for the state with all its resources. It is impossible to win a real war while the war is being lost in the minds of people of the East.

2 . M.Koval the Defense Minister says that the government does not want to engage in a military confrontation with civilians of Donbass, so anti-terrorist operation is progressing slowly .

I agree with Mr Koval. Destroyed territory – is not an option. We’re not Russian troops in the Caucasus.

But I will repeat again – government finally somehow allowed the use of weapons during the active stages of ATO. Bless them. But it is not enough – please allow the military to open fire defending attacks on them and their protected objects. They can not fight armed terrorists with prayers and hymns.

3 . Russia sees no point in new negotiations with Ukraine if the Russian supported terrorists are not at the table.
I think for a start we need to ask Russia to share their great experience in conflict resolution, for example – the Caucasus.

And we will try in this list of civilian murders, destruction of entire communities and other bloody crimes, to find at least one allusion to the Russian desire to solve similar situation at the negotiating table.

The good:

1. The Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine recommended that Acting President Oleksandr Turchynov appoint a person responsible for managing the anti-terrorist operation, as part of coordinating the security and defense authorities in the course of the ATO.

The coordination of security forces in the ATO – is a sore point operations. It is vital to solve this problem.

But I do not quite understand the need for another officer? Why can’t the commander of ATO provide such coordination – it is his direct responsibility, isn’t? And they will probably recommend five deputies each one for separate power structure. And then the decisions will be made during the debates. I do not think that such a system will be an efficient and correct for the situation .

Let’s wait and see how this is going to work, it is better than nothing. At least the problem has been noticed and someone is doing something about it.


2 . Sergey Chebotar, the Deputy Interior Ministry participated at the press conference in Odessa regarding the tragic events of May the 2nd.

He informed that the head of the Chief Directorate of the Ministry of Internal Affairs [in Odessa], as well as three of his deputies, had been dismissed. 160 people who participated in the riots on both sides were detained. From now on all people in masks will be detained. Quite a few of Interior Ministry’s personnel were sacked for cowardice.

The sacking business would be a lot more difficult in the East. According to Information resistance data, few police chiefs were paid to turn in their allegedly captured offices and departments. The amounts of $100.000 were mentioned.

I am appealing to  Mr. Avakov, our Interior Minister. To be honest, after complete stagnation of police departments ( I mean ignoring the problems with the local security forces in the East and South) I have no particular reason to trust you. But the current steps do inspire my confidence – I hope not only me, but many of my countrymen . If you will finish to clean the Ministry of Internal Affairs for the benefit – I will be the first raise my hat to you and ask to shake your hand.

3 . All structures of Maidan Self-defense will now operate under the Interior Ministry, the National Guard and Army. This decision was made by Self Defense Council, chaired by  A.Parubiy, the Secretary of the National Security and Defense Council.

This is at last a decent answer to Moscow’s moans and wails about the disarmament of illegal armed groups in Kiev under the Geneva Agreement.

Well, Mr. Putin, now it’s your turn to show how you can keep your word. We have no illusions and we expect another avalanche of lies and excuses from Moscow. So let the world for the nth time see the true face of Kremlin.