May 17, Lithuania media round-up

On 17th of May, news portal published an interview with Elvina Ergashova, Crimean Tatar. She said that ‘Tatar’s situation in Crimea is very tense at this moment.’ Also Elvina hopes that Crimea will come back to Ukraine in a year or two and this chaos and terror will come to an end.’ (

On 17th of May, Vytautas Leškevičius, Lithuanian Vice-minister of Foreign Affairs, met with Mustafa Dzhemilev, Leader of the Crimean Tatars, in Kiev. According to Mustafa Dzhemilev, ‘kidnapping of Tatars, prohibition to speak the native language, limitations of the meeting law, discrimination and even murders because of ethnicity became common place in occupied Crimea.’ (ELTA,

John Kerry, US Secretary of the Department of State, has made a statement on the 70th anniversary of Joseph Stalin’s forcible deportation of more than 230,000 Crimean Tatars from their homeland in Crimea. In his statement, he said that ‘for many Crimean Tatars, these abuses are still fresh in their minds and current Russia’s occupation and illegal attempt to annex Crimea has reopened these old wounds.’ (

April 29, 2014 Lithuanian media round-up

On April 29 European Commission adopted a special support package for Ukraine worth 365 million euros. This package will help country’s transition and boost the role of civil society, promoting and monitoring democratic reforms and inclusive socio-economic development in Ukraine. Štefan Füle, Commissioner for European Neighbourhood Policy, stated: ‘The EU is not only closely watching events in Ukraine and expressing its readiness to support it, but is also delivering in deeds. With today’s assistance package we are encouraging and supporting the Ukrainian authorities to continue with reforms and in the process of inclusive national development. This package will also support the European Agenda for Reform, recently discussed with the Ukrainian authorities.‘ (EU Press Release, Read more here:

Lithuanian Military Intelligence on April 29 published her Annual Performance Report. In the Report is said that ‘conventional warfare probability in the Baltic Sea region is still fairly low’ (BNS,, Read more in Lithuania Tribune:

Lithuanian Minister of Foreign Affairs Linas Linkevičius on April 29 met with United States Secretary of State John Kerry to discuss issues related with better coordination of sanctions and other pressure instruments achieving the de-escalation of Ukrainian crisis. (

The delegation of the Lithuanian Foreign Ministry led by the Vice-Minister of Foreign Affairs Andrius Krivas and representatives of Estonian and Latvian Foreign Ministries discussed the security situation in the region and relations with Ukraine and Russia on April 28 in Tallinn. The officials agreed to continue maintaining a strong position on non-recognition of the annexation of Crimea and seeking to reduce tensions in eastern Ukraine. Read more in Ministry of Foreign Affairs website:

The group of sports enthusiasts from Lithuania participated in international Kiev marathon on April 27. They ran various length distances thus expressing their support for united Ukraine. (Embassy of the Republic of Lithuania in Kiev information)