Dmitry Tymchuk’s Military Blog: Summary for May 14, 2014

Translated and edited by Voices of Ukraine

The bad news:

1. The first so-called “Ukrainian Round Table of National Unity” started with a farce.

The leader of the Regions Party faction [Olexander] Yefremov started threatening the government in connection with the anti-terrorist operation [ATO]. Apparently, the terrorists in the East have their own “vision,” and are concerned with the matter of “historical justice.” While the Ukrainian government, which dared to retaliate against banditry wrought under the Russian flag, is all but a band of torturers and low-lives.

It is unclear what Yefremov considers to be the “justice” that the separatists are fighting for. The right to murder, kidnap and torture people? The right to plunder and maraud? If that is the case, then their “justice” is not far removed from that of the Party of Regions. The above activities are exactly what the leaders of that party–namely, Yanukovych and his ilk–practiced during their time in power.

I have said it before and will say it again–a dialogue with the East is one thing, and a dialogue with terrorists, entirely another. The anti-terrorist operation is not directed against peaceful civilians, regardless of how critical they are of the Ukrainian government. The ATO is aimed at counteracting terrorism. Because of this fact, anything that Yefremov and his kind have to say about the actions of Ukrainian enforcers is nothing but nonsense and pure provocation.

By the way, Yefremov went further in his cynicism and hypocrisy by comparing Ukrainian special forces to Soviet troops that suppressed the uprising in Hungary in 1956. I’m not sure if he is actually insane or faking it. In Hungary, people rose up against occupiers. In Donbass, occupiers, under a foreign country’s flag, are instigating people to fight against their own country. How can a sane person compare these two cases? Such soapbox rhetoric puts to shame even [Petro] Symonenko and [Nataliya] Vitrenko [leaders of the Communist Party of Ukraine and the Progressive Socialist Party of Ukraine, respectively, known for their pro-Russian views].

2. Separatists in Donbass threaten violence against members of election commissions and their families. In Antrazyt, Luhansk Region, the district election commission has been captured. The purpose of that is clear–sabotaging the [Presidential] elections on May 25.

As the election date draws near, we must be more and more prepared for difficult days. But I’m convinced that we will make it through. Besides, the OSCE made promises to make sure that the [Presidential] elections in Ukraine are carried out fairly, transparently, and without external interference.

3. [Acting President Olexander] Turchynov demanded that the border service explains how the self-proclaimed “people’s governor” and the leader of the Luhansk Region separatists [Valeriy] Bolotov managed to leave for Russia without any problems.

The border service replied–no one stopped him from leaving the country. Apparently, there were no reasons to prohibit [Bolotov] to cross the border.

I’m not sure whether to laugh at this or cry. Logically, one understands that in our bureaucratic country, the border service is technically in the right. But the situation, nevertheless, smells strongly of lunacy.

4. The Ministry of Justice of Ukraine estimates Ukraine’s losses from [Russia’s] annexation of Crimea at over UAH 1 trillion.

And this is just the beginning. Next, Russia will start stealing Ukrainian gas from the Black Sea shelf deposits–they [Russia] said so themselves. In the end, Putin’s Crimean hustle will be (and already is) very expensive for us.

The good news:

1. The “Ukrainian Round Table of National Unity,” again. The dialogue started, and that is a definite plus.

To be honest, personally, I’m critical of this event. For one simple reason–the East currently has no leaders who could participate in the dialogue and who have the trust of the residents of eastern regions. I hope to high heaven that I’m mistaken in this.

But the very fact that the Ukrainian government is looking for an opportunity to hear the East, and be heard by them, is an undoubtedly positive development.

2. In the Airborne Forces of the Armed Forces of Ukraine, combat capability of five anti-aircraft missile units has been restored.

In reality, the restored amount is drastically small for a country as big as Ukraine. But we have to take the situation into account. Regretfully, we are not at liberty to present even the most general of figures here, but, suffice to say, the state of our anti-aircraft forces is nothing to write home about. Therefore, any improvement in this field is worth its weight in gold.

3. The management of one of Brussels’ municipalities did not allow the Rendezvous with Russia festival to be held on its territory. The reason [behind the refusal] was the current events in Ukraine.

In the civilized world, Russia is becoming progressively more synonymous with aggression and evil. Ukraine, on the other hand, is more and more associated with the fight for freedom and sovereignty. This is an objective reflection of reality.

4. [Myroslav] Gai, guardsman of the National Guard, and [Serhiy] Shevchuk, paratrooper of the 95th Separate Airmobile Brigade, raised the Ukrainian flag at the highest point of the town of Slavyansk [Donetsk Region]–namely, the top of the TV broadcasting tower atop Mt. Karachun.

On one hand, this flag means very little, considering how comfortable terrorists are in Slavyansk right now. On the other, it has great importance – it symbolizes that the land it flies over is ours. This land has been covered in blood of our guys, who died at the hands of infiltrating insurgents and local collaborators. And we will fight for our land.

Dmitry Tymchuk’s Military Blog: Summary for May 12, 2014

Translated and edited by Voices of Ukraine

Here’s the Summary for May 12, 2014

The bad news:

1. The lads from the terrorist interests club named “Donetsk People’s Republic” [DPR] declared their “independence” and asked to join Russia.

This is understandable: where else would they go to ask, since it was all done by the Kremlin’s request and with its money? And in any case, there are no other terrorist states except for Russia specifically observed in the region.

Putin had the good sense to avoid direct recognition of the results of the pseudo-referendum held yesterday in the doorways by the merry drunks from the “DPR.” Meanwhile, Moscow declared that it “respects” its results. Although, anyone in their right mind will find that respecting such a mockery of common sense is impossible.

Here, Putin is playing a double game again. On the one hand, he stayed out of trouble with the West, which categorically refused to accept the “referendum.” But on the other hand, Moscow can at any moment recognize the “DPR” and enter Russian troops into Ukraine. There is [still] room for maneuvers.

2. Immediately after the “referendum,” one of the Kazachkis [diminuitive for Cossacks] sent over by Russia, immediately proclaimed himself the Commander-in-Chief and declared war on Ukraine. However, his cronies, pardon, his colleagues immediately dissociated themselves from the declaration of war.

This is what interests me. All this riffraff considers the Ukrainian government and Ukrainian patriots the “proteges of Washington and the West.” Well, they shoud have immediately declared war on NATO. It would be funnier.

Bad thing about this is that the “Commander of the DPR,” who by definition is fit to commandeer his wardmates, is not at a psychiatric hospital under the supervision of nurses, but freely hangs out on Ukrainian soil.

It is also interesting that the fugitive [former president Viktor] Yanukovych also began yapping that Kiev should withdraw Ukrainian troops from Ukrainian Regions, and in fact recognized the “DPR.” This woodpecker hasn’t even turned on his brains: if he considers himself the “legitimate President,” then he is also the Commander-in-Chief. Whilst this spot at the “DPR ” is already occupied by a Russian Kazachok [diminutive of Cossack]. Sorry, Vitya [diminutive of Viktor].

The good news:

1. The cities of Donetsk and Luhansk in Dnipropetrovsk Region can hope for further development within a united Ukraine.

I am talking about the alternative referendum regarding the annexation of Luhansk and Donetsk Regions to Dnipropetrovsk region. According to the preliminary official data of the referendum (about 70% support joining Dnipropetrovsk Region), residents of Donetsk and Luhansk Regions actively seek to forget the “DPR” as a terrible nightmare.

Similar results were obtained in a referendum poll in Donbass for a united Ukraine.

We have no reason not to believe the organizers of these two referendums. At least they have normal ballots and commission protocols with seals, and the voting process was properly organized. And not like the “DPR’s” sheets of toilet paper that were proudly called “bulletins,” and counted by ragamuffin gangs in garages.

2. Europe clearly understands now who is who in the Ukrainian crisis.

Today, the Swedish Foreign Minister Carl Bildt announced, “President Putin said two things: first, that the so-called referendum should be postponed. That did not happen… The second thing that he would take the Russian troops from the border. That did not happen… We should judge Moscow not by its words but by its deeds.”

Golden words. Every European official and politician–should make an entry in their notebook.

3. Today at a briefing, journalists trolled the leader of the Party of Regions faction, Oleksandr Yefremov (he, by the way, said he didn’t consider the separatist “referendum” a farce). He was extensively and insistently requested to tell how he and Akhmetov financed the pro-Russian terrorists.

Yefremov was very shy and meekly protested [discussing it].

It turned out even more interesting with Akhmetov. The so-called “People’s Governor,” separatist leader Pavlo Gubarev told the Russian media that Akhmetov had financed separatists in Donetsk. The Party of Regions immediately reared up on its hind legs, and began to defend Akhmetov, calling Gubarev a crazy rogue and trickster.

[Rinat] Akhmetov is a separate subject for discussion. In this case, it’s interesting that by protecting separatists, the Party of Regions leader Yefremov in fact protects the crooks and swindlers, as they are called by the Party of Regions. Do these people have any brains left?

Today, Acting President Oleksandr Turchynov stated that the Ukrainian Communist Party might be prohibited by court [decision]–due to their separatist support and holding of pseudo-referendums.

I’ll vote “yes” with both hands for it. We should have gotten rid of all this anti-Ukrainian rot long time ago.