May 14, 2014 Lithuanian media round-up

On 14th of May Petras Vaitiekūnas, Lithuanian Ambassador in Ukraine, in a The News radio programme ‘Actual Hour‘ said that ‘the tense situation remains in a most Ukrainian Region. Armed mobs looting flats, shops and banks are raging in separatist’s occupied cities. They also take hostages and demand ransom from relatives, torture and murder families, priests and Ukrainian politics.’ (,,

On 14th of May Vytautas Leškevičius, Lithuanian Vice-Minister of Foreign Affairs, and Igor Senchar, State Secretary of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Slovenia condemned Russian aggression against Ukraine and agreed to continue to hold the position supporting Ukraine’s territorial integrity and non-recognition of the annexation of Crimea. (Lithuanian Ministry of Foreign Affairs information)

On 14th of May Sigmar Gabriel, German Vice Chancelor, said that ‘Europe is partly to blame for the crisis in Ukraine although this is no excuse for Russian behaviour towards the former Soviet republic.’ (

Clifford Gaddy, economist and Russia expert, in an interview to Deutsche Welle (DW) said that ‘the only solution to the dispute between Moscow and the West is a neutral Ukraine’ ( Read more in DW:

Timothy Snyder, American historian, in his fabulous article said that ‘Even as Europeans follow with alarm or fascination the spread of Russian special forces from Crimea through Donetsk and Luhansk, Vladimir Putin’s propagandists seek to draw Europeans into an alternative reality, an account of history rather different from what most Ukrainians think, or indeed what the evidence can bear. Ukraine has never existed in history, goes the claim, or if it has, only as part of a Russian empire. Ukrainians do not exist as a people; at most they are Little Russians. But if Ukraine and Ukrainians do not exist, then neither does Europe or Europeans. If Ukraine disappears from history, then so does the site of the greatest crimes of both the Nazi and Stalinist regimes. If Ukraine has no past, then Hitler never tried to make an empire, and Stalin never exercised terror by hunger.‘ (Lithuanian National Radio and Television). Read more in New Republic:


April 30, 2014 Lithuanian media round-up

Today Lithuanian Government has decided to strengthen Lithuania’s participation in implementation of European Union Eastern Partnership program. The main focus would be directed for Georgia, Moldova and Ukraine in order to help these countries fulfil Association Agreement and reforms related with liberalization of visa regime. Lithuanian Government decided to send experts to institutions of Ukraine, Georgia and Moldova to help these Eastern Partnership countries to adapt EU directives to national law and share Lithuania’s experience of integrating into European Union. (Lithuanian Prime Minister Press Office, BNS,, unofficial translation)

On April 30 Artūras Paulauskas, head of Lithuanian Parliament National Security and Defense Committee, at Cybersecurity Conference said that ‘when situation in Ukraine is so tense and when the nature and means of military actions is changing so fast, the threats of cyber security need to be taken very seriously’. Also Artūras Paulauskas said that ‘we can see today, that not only military but also diplomatic, propaganda and cyber tools are used to destabilize selected targets, create chaos inside the countries, undermining effortless flow of information and financial exchange operations.’ (Lithuanian Parliament Press Office, BNS,, unofficial translation).

On April 30, Petras Vaitiekūnas, Lithuanian Ambassador to Ukraine, on ‘Actual hour’ radio programme said that ‘Russia continues creating panic and destruction in East Ukraine’. (News radio,

On April 30 Arnoldas Pranckevičius, European Parliament President Adviser, on ‘Attention center’ the TV programme said this about Ukrainian conflict: ‘Today politics of EU goes in three directions: firstly – conflict de-escalation, secondly – Russia’s suppression and deterrence and third – support for Ukraine, Moldova and Georgia’. Also he approved the preparation of using the next stage of economic sanctions if Russia doesn’t stop escalating the conflict. (Lithuanian National TV,, 15

Economist Nourieli Roubini in an interview for Bloomberg TV said that ‘there is the beginning of a new cold war between the West and Russia’ ( You can watch this interview here:

On May 4th in Vilnius will stage a bicycle event called ‘VeloMaidan’ dedicated to support Ukrainian people in the fight with Russian aggression. More information about event: