Informational leaflet for Ukrainians in East Ukraine

Ukrainian soldiers are sprinkling informational leaflets from helicopters for citizens living in East Ukraine. Below are the text from one of these leaflets:

For the peaceful part of population in Kramatorsk and Slavyansk regarding the SURVIVAL in the territories where RUSSIAN TERRORISTS ARE ACTIVE

Peaceful citizens of Kramatorsk and Slavyansk, your home country has turned into a training area of Russian saboteurs testing their punitive actions, terrorist activity and preparing for provocations with huge civil casualties!

To protect yourselves and your relatives and to end the terror as quickly as possible please observe the following rules:

1. Under no circumstances approach demonstrations (even if they are small) that are taking place in front of the captured administrative buildings – your presence is helping the terrorists. You become a live shield and a hostage. The more casualties there are, the better it is for the Russian saboteurs, and surely this image will be broadcasted on the Russian mass media.

2. Do not listen to those who advocate federalization and separatism in the streets, who is urging to storm the government buildings – these are corrupt activists receiving 1000 Hrivnas per day.

3. If you see sportsmanlike youth, people with military outfit moving in or towards the captured buildings or people of any age and appearance bringing grocery bags to them – please inform about this the nearest member of police, army, anti-terrorist troops or SBU. If you don’t have such possibility please call the hotline number below.

4. Under no circumstances enlist in any formations of groups – Russian special services will be using your data against you for blackmail and trying to force you to participate in illegal actions and support of terrorists.

5. Avoid places of people gatherings – there are militants of Russian special forces among the demonstrators who must physically eliminate everybody who is trying to criticize the efforts of Russia. They will try to use you as live shield the same way as the Soviet occupants in the period of 1941-1945.

6. Restrain your relatives, acquaintances from supporting terrorists and participating in anti-Ukrainian protests – by doing this you will protect their lives and health. Terrorists consider all participants of the demonstrations as potential casualties, they also received orders to kill peaceful citizens trying to contact the government.


Hotline of SB of Ukraine 0-800-50-14-82

Events of April 18th

dmitry_tymchukBrothers and sisters, Here’s the Summary for April 18, 2014.

The bad news

1. My skepticism yesterday about the Geneva agreements has, alas, turned out to be justified.

I would be very glad to be wrong. But when dealing with a con artist like Putin, it’s impossible to go wrong. His essence is to lie. All agreements with him are empty phrases.

Today, the Russian Foreign Ministry “explained” the meaning behind these agreements. When they specify the disarmament of illegal armed groups, they are really talking about the “Right Sector.” And when they talk about the release of occupied buildings, they really mean Kyiv and Maidan supporters.

Moscow says: disarm “yours” first, and then we’ll think if we should disarm our mongrels in eastern Ukraine, whether we withdraw Russian Spetsnaz and whether we release occupied administrative buildings in Donetsk oblast [region].

Does anyone still have illusions about the possibility of negotiations with Moscow? It has long been clear to anyone: one’s level of confidence in Putin can safely determine one’s level of mental development.

2. Communists thwarted the signing of an agreement between the Rada [Parliamentary] faction heads to stabilize the situation in east Ukraine.

This is savagery. In fact, there is a war against Ukraine. The enemy’s boots are trampling our land. We have already lost a part of [our] territory. In normal countries under these conditions, those citizens (and politicians are no exception) who interfere with work towards victory, are, at minimum, sent behind bars. And here, the enemy subversives sit in Parliament and gorge themselves on caviar bought with the taxes of Ukrainians whom they sold out. I don’t see the logic.

3. This news concern us, the Information Resistance group. I’ve been waiting for this for a long time, and it has [finally] happened. Knowing our bureaucrats, it was not difficult to predict.

The bottom line is that some aunts and uncles at government agencies, who suddenly became very inconvenienced by our group, have woken up. For a month and a half, since the beginning of March and during the invasion of Crimea, they have picked their noses and been engaged in solving obscure questions, and then suddenly decided to famously “PR themselves” during the anti-terrorist operation (ATO).

But here’s the thing: it turns out that the Information Resistance group interferes with their PR campaign, by its activity and the provision of operational information. Now there are behind-the-scenes antics in order to shut us up.

Still, I will keep names and positions to myself. Since there are many more adequate people in the same state agencies, who understand the importance of our work.

But I have also promised the higher leadership earlier: if law enforcement commanders say that we interfere, we will immediately quit work. We need 2 minutes and 20 seconds to terminate the activities of the “IR” group. Of these, 1 minute will be spent on phone conversation with the two other coordinators, and it will take 20 seconds to shut down the computer.

We hope, that common sense will prevail in government agencies, and not personal ambitions and the jealousy of individual bureaucrats.

The good news

1. The SBU [Security Service of Ukraine] representatives have announced today that the ongoing anti-terrorist operation in eastern Ukraine is suspended “due to Easter celebrations and the Geneva agreements.”

This statement sounded strange. How can you stop “military operations” without an armistice? Just [stop] “on occasion,” when the enemy does not intend to do so? And I’ve already mentioned the worth of the Geneva agreements.

I hurry to reassure you. The bottom line is that in fulfilling their part of the Geneva agreements, Ukraine really did proactively suspend operations by security forces. But this does not mean that they will simply relax over the [holiday] weekend and eat Easter eggs and sausage, laid out on a photocopy of the Geneva agreements.

The operation continues – separate groups of extremists are being blocked, territories and roads are being taken under control. As security forces assured us today, the operation only arrived at this format when satisfactory results might be possible, taking into account the severe restrictions put forward in the agreement (no casualties among “civilians”). Let’s wish them good luck!

2. Today, Ihor Kolomoyskyi, the Head of Dnipropetrovsk Regional State Administration, paid the first reward for a captured Russian subversive – $10,000.

I can say one thing – bravo! The use of monetary rewards is a great motivation. And a serious blow to extremist activity. They should no longer be able to sleep peacefully.

3. Zhytomyr Airborne troops from the 95th Separate Airmobile Brigade have recaptured two armored vehicles from extremists near Kramatorsk, which were previously seized by the enemy.

According to our emissaries, the fight was short and tough. If these guys were given orders to shoot to kill, the ranks of terrorists would have greatly thinned. And so, they shot in the air and legs. But it was enough to quickly discourage these degenerates from playing war games.

One conclusion: With the enemy, we can and must fight them. For, defeat awaits weakness and high political considerations. For determination, victory awaits.

And one more thing. Friends, all “IR” coordinators will work in the regions during weekends and holidays. We can share less information, but only the most important and most timely operative data.

Happy Easter to all of you! God bless you.