Russian troops trained to shoot at demonstrators with machine-guns (video)

By Gabija Guscevičius, sources from

About 2,000 residents of the Russian city Tyumen crowed in favour of federalization and Siberia’s joining the United States. Modeling after Kiev’s Euromaidan, they built barricades and a tent camp in the central square of the city. All fortifications of protesters were demolished using APCs (the armoured vehicles), while the protesters were shot at with large-caliber machine guns. That was the scenario of the training of the Internal Troops and the OMON (special police forces) of the Russian Federation, which took place in Tyumen on May 30, 2015.

APCs with machine guns are used in police trainings

APCs with machine guns are used in police trainings

The video of the training taken by the participants of the event was placed on YouTube, where it already got several thousand views. In the video, the “protesters” (acted by police and military officers) are being chased out of the square by the security forces, using the military APCs, heavy machine guns, a special noise installation and a military helicopter.

Judging by the training, the Russian security forces are being prepared for a rather serious confrontation with the civilian population of the country, leaving it with no possibility to protest against the authorities: all protesters will be simply killed. It is clear that the Russian leaders are well aware of the economic crisis and its inevitable subsequent outcome in the form of a national unrest.

This is far from the first time such trainings of the Russian OMON and internal troops specializing in violent dispersal of protesters occur. The last one which also appeared on the Internet was held in April 2014 in the city of Saratov. Back then, more moderate methods of dispersal were delivered as part of training including no mass shooting using machine guns. Apparently, now the Russian ‘power structures’ have been instructed to act more aggressively towards the people of their own country.

In Donetsk region, terrorists began hunting civil activists, 2014.05.11 23:04: luhansko_buduliai

Inner sources of informed that in Donetsk and Luhansk regions, lists of politically active people have been made. The purpose is to allow spying their activities and their contacts, and to make their physical destruction possible.

The informant claims that orders to make the lists were received from Russia. The goal is to localize the community leaders with pro-European and pro-Ukrainian opinions. In particular, of great interest are human rights activists, participants of Kyiv’s Euromaidan from Donetsk and Luhansk regions, activists and participants of protests “For United Ukraine” and Eurointegration.

Saboteur groups were given the following targets:

  • participants of Kyiv’s Euromaidan,
  • organizers of pro-Ukrainian protests,
  • mayors, deputies, heads of regional administration, who do not support the Donetsk People’s Republic,
  • leaders of pro-European political parties and organizations, human rights activists.

The only way to stay safe is by changing residence and job, cancelling social network activities.

It is also forbidden to communicate by phone. Instead, do it over Viber or Skype, because according to checked information, some of the mobile operators provide information to Russian special services.

Sadly, this information is supported by facts. Dozens of activists were kidnapped, tortured or killed.


Odessa: Anti-Maidan activists are in preparations to revenge pro-Ukrainian activists for the death of their people.

In Odessa Anti-Maidan activists are uploading photos and address details of pro-Ukrainian activists to the internet and threaten to revenge for the death of their people during the fire in the Palace of Trade Unions on the 2nd of May. According to UNIAN (УНИАН), Anti-Maidan activists announced the hunt of Odessans, that participated in pro-Ukrainian gatherings. Full details, such as home addresses, phone numbers, information on relatives, friends, working (studying) places, etc. are being shared via ‘VKontakte’ (*Russian Facebook) social network.

The initiators of this revenge call these people gunmen from ‘Right-wing’, ‘fascists’, ‘sheet’, etc, accuse them of murders and urges to revenge. Next to the faces of potential victims they add pictures of burned bodies, found after the fire in Palace of Trade Unions and field of Kulikov.

In the meantime, via social networks activists of Euromaidan warn their people – supporters of the united Ukraine, to not participate in any rallies or gatherings.