Vladyslav Selezniov: During one of the special operations of ATO two saboteurs trained in the Russian Federation were arrested

Source: http://uacrisis.org/

During the briefing over the phone in Ukrainian Crisis Media Centre Official speaker of the anti-terrorist operation Vladyslav Selezniov reported from the scene that the active phase of the ATO in the East of Ukraine goes on: “The last day was relatively quiet, during one of the special operations two saboteurs citizens of Ukraine, who confirmed to have been trained in the Russian Federation, were arrested”.

During the day two attacks on the positions of Ukrainian security forces near the cities of Slavyansk and Izyum were reverberated by the Ukrainian security forces. As a result there were no injures neither among civilians, nor among Ukrainian militaries. According to security officials, around 40 armed terrorists were shot, two were detained. Vladyslav Selezniov also said: “While arresting two saboteurs 4 sub-machine guns (RPG-26 and RPG-7), automatic Kalashnikov and other weapons were withdrawn. The detainees are giving evidence. They are known to fulfill the tasks aimed at commission of terrorist acts on the territory of Ukraine”.

“The contingent of ATO ensures the safety of the residents of the East of Ukraine. The terrorists fire at Ukrainian soldiers from the residential areas, understanding that Ukrainian security officials won’t fire in response under such conditions not to injure civilians,” – said Mr. Selezniov.

Mr. Selezniov also confirmed that Russian militaries and terrorists are trying to make a corridor to export dead bodies of militants in the border village Dymytrovka. Under different estimates there are from 50 to 100 bodies of terrorists in the morgue of Kramatorsk.

ATO official speaker told that the journalists of LifeNews channel now stay at State security service investigation structures: “They are safe. The investigators are working on video archives found. A lot of questions to those videos as well as to the journalists arise”.

Lie of the day. Russian media: a tragedy in Odessa was organized by the “Right Sector”

Source: Inforesist.org

Russian state media, in particular channels “Russia-1″ and “Russia-24″ informed on Wednesday that Russia wants to appeal to the Hague Tribunal accusing Ukrainian “Right Sector” in the organization of the tragedy in Odessa on the May 2, when during the events in the House of Trade Unions more than 40 people died. 

Here is how Russian Kremlin’s channel “Russia-1″ informed on Wednesday (ed.- 21st of May) about new developments of the Ukrainian investigation of the tragedy in the House of Trade Unions in Odessa on the 2nd of May: “The Russian Foreign Ministry is considering filing a lawsuit to the Hague Tribunal in connection with the tragic events in the House of Trade Unions in Odessa on May 2. A MEP from Latvia Tatiana Zhdanok encouraged to call the “Right Sector” to account for the use of chemical weapons in the building trade unions. “

The same channel on Tuesday organised another release of a program of “Special Correspondent” Arkady Mamontov named “Odessa. New Katyn”, where in the same spirit, even before the completion of the investigation of this tragedy, all blame is placed on “Kiev’s junta”, “Ukrainian fascists” and the “Right Sector”. Although new information of the investigative commission in Kiev testifies that as a result of the investigation of the events in Odessa on May 2 a suspicion of committing of a crime will be announced to Odessa City Council deputies from the party “Rodina” Sergei Bovbalan and Evgeny Khaikin. You can see it in this video (unfortunately, it’s in Russian):

Leader of the “LPR” V.Bolotov: militia will not allow elections in the region

Source: Inforesist.org

The leader of the “People’s Republic of Luhansk” Valeriy Bolotov stated that he will not allow to hold the Ukrainian presidential elections in the region on the 25th of May; he promised any sort of opposition, including use of force. 

“They (pro-Kiev forces – ed.) will try to organize voting stations by any means. We will not allow it. They will be attacked,” – said V. Bolotov.

He said that military troops and vehicles enter towns leaving behind themselves space, where “they are trying to hold elections”.

According to him it is mainly in the area from the side of Starobelsk.

“Pontoon connection go, as they don’t know that we mined the bridges,” – he said.

Bolotov has also informed that seal and other document for the elections are being transported to the region, however part of them is already seized by the militia.

The leader of the “People’s Republic of Luhansk” addressed residents of Luhansk and all the region asking them not to take part in the elections.

“Residents of the “People’s Republic of Luhansk” have nothing to do with this political profanity,” – he said.

Prosecutors, taking into account the events that occur in the Luhansk region, gathered enough evidence to qualify the activity of the so-called “governor” of Luhansk region Valery Bolotov as the creation of a terrorist organization.

Regarding refusal of Russian citizenship in Crimea

According to the information from “Information Resistance” group, the process of “Refusal of Russian citizenship” in Crimea turned out to be a procedure for identification and pursuance of those Crimea citizens who are not loyal to Moscow.

The procedure of “refusal of citizenship” itself for those who do not wish to accept the citizenship of Russian Federation is very complicated – registration of all necessary documents and standing in lines in the migration institutions of Russian Federations take up to a week.

At the same time citizens, who decide to refuse the citizenship of Russia are “visited” at their homes by so called “self-defense forces”. These people demand the citizens to leave Crimea, demands are followed by threats of physical punishments.

Such cases were reported in Simferopol and Sudak.

It is obvious that these provocations were organized with support from Federal Migration Service of Russian Federation, which revealed the addresses and surnames of the “unloyal” citizens to local gangs.

Also it is necessary to note that automatic grant of Russian citizenship to the citizens of Crimea without their agreement is a very serious violation of international law.


Poles and Ukrainians protested against bloody French business

UPDATE (23rd of May): Bernard Grua, French activist,  is inviting everyone to peaceful protests against Mistral deal on June 1 in front of all French embassies, consulates, clubs and associations. More information: https://www.facebook.com/events/221560101386701/.

On 20th of May  a protest was held against the sale of “Mistral” warships to Russia at the French embassy in Warsaw. 

Few dozens Ukrainians and Poles, members of Warsaw Euromaidan and “Otwarty Dialog” foundation (“Open Dialog”) participated.

Protesters think that the decision by French government to continue military contract with Russia, concerning the two modern amphibious assault ships “Mistral”, is “shameful and unworthy of a country which declares its allegiance to ideals of democracy”.

“We cannot remain silent, when a state which kills Ukrainians, can freely purchase warships. We wish to be heard” – said Natalya Panchenko.

Protesters showed their resentment by making noise with vuvuzelas and clackers. “Why do you want to kill us?”, “Supporting Russia in killing Ukrainians brings shame for France” said protester’s banners.

People brought a water pool for children filled with red liquid, which symbolized blood. Toy warships were floating inside.

“It symbolizes a sea of blood, where Russian ships sold by France are sailing… It is our blood” – explained Panchenko.

It was announced that for now, France is not going to make decisions regarding selling two modern warships “Mistral” to Russia, as possible sanctions for occupation of Crimea. It appears, that the French don’t even want to think about Russia supporting terrorists in Donbas. Nothing personal, just business…

Photos by “Otwarty Dialog” fond

protest protest protest protest


May 21, 2014 Lithuanian media round-up

On 21st of May, Joe Biden, U.S. Vice President, said that ‘Russia must be punished if it seeks to derail Ukraine’s presidential elections this weekend.’ (lrytas.lt. delfi.lt, 15min.lt)

On 21st of May John Michael McHugh, United States Secretary of the Army, in an exclusive interview to 15min.lt said that ‘military cooperation of Lithuania and United States of America will be even more collaborative in the future.’ He also ensured Lithuanians that in case of conventional or unconventional warfare it will invoke 5th article of the Treaty of Washington.’ (15min.lt)


Terrorist Threat Assessment in Eastern and Southern Ukraine on May 20

Translated and edited by Voices of Ukraine

As of  20th of May 12:00 Noon EEST, we don’t observe a significant change in the number of Russian troops deployed in the border areas of Russia near the state border with Ukraine. Also remaining static are the groups of Russian troops in the occupied territory of Crimea.

As regards the threat of extremism in the regions of Ukraine, we are seeing a slight increase in the degree of tension in the Kharkiv Region, and a slight decrease of threat in Zaporizhzhya Region.


Dmitry Tymchuk’s Military Blog: Summary – May 20, 2014

Translated and edited by Voices of Ukraine


The bad news:

1. In Luhansk and Donetsk Regions, separatists captured eleven district election commissions [DEC], there is still a threat of the seizure of eight more.

According to our current Ukrainian legislation, the elections will be valid without a number of polling stations in Donbass. But why should some criminal bandits deny [Ukrainian] citizens the opportunity to make their political choice under normal circumstances?

We want to still believe that Ukrainian special forces will do everything in their power to maximally allow for the work of the election commissions. After all, it’s the state’s responsibility to ensure the realization of the constitutional rights of its citizens.

2. In the Vekhovna Rada [Ukrainian Parliament], the Party of Regions and the Communists thwarted the vote for the criminalization of bribing voters. Those who bribe the electorate, it was proposed, are to receive punishment of a prison term for up to three years.

As expected, at the mention of a prison term for these tricks, the Party of Regions members and the Communists got really nervous. These gentlemen from the past don’t want honest politics. It’s just not for them. Their brain refuses to recognize the idea of an honest life.

Something has to be decided about these brains.

3. Russia does not forego holding the “Aviadarts-2014” [military] exercises on the eve and day of the Presidential elections in Ukraine. Kiev gave Moscow 48 hours to provide an explanation regarding these exercises.

It is clear that we won’t hear a reasonable explanation. Although these exercises (participants master the combat use of missile, bomb, and cannon gun armaments against ground targets, as well as overcoming the air defense system of a simulated enemy) are in fact, the action script of the Russian Air Force in the invasion of Ukraine.

At the same time, we haven’t yet observed the withdrawal of Russian troops from the border areas. However, at least they aren’t currently hanging out in the 10-km [6-mile] border zone–which stabilizes the situation somewhat. But it’s a rather illusory détente. For real stabilization, we need a complete return of Russian troops to the places of their permanent deployment.

The good news:

1. The Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine voted to adopt the “Memorandum of peace and harmony.” It calls for the de-escalation of tension in the country, full support of the Geneva agreements, and the promise of Constitutional reform.

Obviously this document is nothing more than a declaration. But in my opinion, it’s a very important step to a real dialogue. Obviously, not with terrorists–we can only speak the language of lead with them. But to a dialogue with the population of East and South–those who for some reasons don’t trust Kyiv. But, at the same time, want to live in a unified and stable Ukraine.

2. 100,000 people representing the world community supported the petition to the U.S. government to recognize Russia as a sponsor of terrorism.

If this status is de facto recognized by the West and the whole world thereafter, it will be an indisputable victory for Ukraine. Even though Russia prides itself on its current role as an actual rogue nation, nevertheless the further growth of international support for Ukraine won’t hurt.

3. Oligarch Rinat Akhmetov has finally shed his false shame and supported a unified Ukraine. In Donetsk and Luhansk Regions, he urged [employees of] his largest enterprises to hold a warning strike against violence and separatism.

We recently criticized Akhmetov for his “memoranda” with the terrorist organization “Donetsk People’s Republic.” The fellow has redeemed himself. We are glad.

There may be plenty of reasons to explain the behavior of the Donbass oligarch. Let’s not forget that a serious part of his business is in Europe–and [people] there wouldn’t understand his “cooperation” with the terrorist organization.

On the other hand, while Rinat Leonydovych is torn between the “Russian” and the normal world, his fiefdom in Donbass is slowly getting overshadowed by Kolomoyskyi. Akhmetov doesn’t need this type of sport even for free. And that’s why his participation in the competition for the title of Best-friend-of-a-unified-Ukraine is self-explanatory.

Again, it’s possible that Akhmetov considered the legitimate government to be more acceptable, while threatening to confiscate a part of [his] business, rather than the chaos and anarchy of his pro-Russian buddies. Especially since they vouched to conduct the “nationalization” of Akhmetov’s enterprises.

In the end, we do not exclude a double play by Akhmetov. But it’s not the point. If this tactical step by Akhmetov positively affects the situation in the region–why shouldn’t it be welcomed? And we’ll deal with his motives and secret desires later.

Fake photo of Slavyansk morgue

Translated from StopFake project dedicated to exposing mass-media distortions and propaganda about the events in Ukraine.

Website politikus.ru and some bloggers in LiveJournal published a photo which is supposed to be the city morgue of Slavyansk (Donetsk Region).


The caption of the photo reads “To mothers and wives of central and eastern Ukraine! Slavyansk city morgue is overfilled with bodies of Ukrainian soldiers, national guard and members of the “Right Sector”. They are being buried. Nobody is identifying names, surnames or patronyms, there is no time and no man power for such things. If your relatives who left to kill peaceful citizens have not contacted you recently please go and claim their bodies”.

However this photo was not taken in Slavyansk morgue.

This photo is 5 years old, it was previously published here with the caption “Bodies that are waiting to be identified in Ciudad Juarez, 02.18.2009. Bodies are from border towns of Mexico – “Dead history” of cartel wars, cruelty of which is rising with each year. (AP Photo/Guillermo Arias)”.


May 20, 2014 Lithuanian media roundup

On 20th of May Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine adopted a Memorandum of Peace and Concord. It calls for the de-escalation of tension in the country, full support of the Geneva agreements and the promise of Constitutional reform. (15min.lt)

On 30th of May -1st of June the NATO Parliamentary Assembly’s spring session, with the main subject aimed at the situation in Ukraine, will take place in Lithuanian Parliament (diena.lt). Read more in Lithuania Tribune:

On 20th of May Dmitry Medvedev, Russian Prime Minister, said that ‘Russia is being pulled into a new Cold War with the United States and its allies, who are using economic warfare reminiscent of the Soviet Union under Leonid Brezhnev‘ (vz.lt, lrytas.lt, 15min.lt). Watch more on Bloomberg: http://www.bloomberg.com/video/medvedev-says-second-cold-war-is-slowly-approaching-uASWH5BIQ8~muzJjTTIizw.html.

On 19th of May Miroslav Lajcak, Slovakia‘s Minister of Foreign Affairs, said that Slovakia was preparing a line for reverse natural gas supplies to Ukraine. (delfi.lt)

On 20th of May Joe Biden, United States Vice-president, during his visit to Romania said that Europe’s borders should not be changed at the point of a gun. (lrytas.lt, 15min.lt)