Dmitry Tymchuk’s Military Blog: Summary – May 23, 2014

Translated and edited by Voices of Ukraine

The bad news:

1. The volunteer “Donbass Battalion” [DB] was ambushed near the village of Karlivka in Donetsk Region.

The terrorists were armed to the teeth, and had an APC at their disposal. The majority of the [DB] fighters managed to break through the ambush, some of them remained surrounded. Later, the insurgent commander Bezler told the Donbass Battalion commander S. Semenchenko that the captured fighters had been killed.

Since the very morning, we’ve been trying to do everything in our power to get help to these guys who spent long hours in fight. We pulled everyone we could. But nothing was achieved. I haven’t heard a single intelligible word explaning why our guys were betrayed.

If this is not betrayal, then I don’t know what a betrayal is.

We realize that our crowd of great military commanders in the rank of generals dislike “Donbass” for its independence. The generals consider it to be uncontrollable.

I agree with the logic of the generals: in a single operation, all forces and means should be subordinate to a single leadership and a unified plan. But this is in those cases where there is a single leadership. In the ATO [anti-terrorist operation], we just don’t see it.

Instead, we see that a handful of “uncontrollable” volunteers operate more efficiently than our famous “strategists,” who have on the generals’ stripes and have troops under their command.

We, the IR group, don’t intend to put a dot over the “i.” Too much blood is being spilled by our children, and too often it “appears” that it’s not anyone’s personal guilt. This is not right.

2. The head of the terrorist organization “People’s Republic of Luhansk” V. Bolotov promised terrorist acts during the [Presidential] elections. In this regard, he urged the people in the region not to go to the polls.

Although, according to Bolotov, the National Guard will be the one organizing the terrorist acts. He said so as to blame it on terrorists later.

This Kremlin’s snitch that arrived recently from Russia after the briefing in the Kremlin, doesn’t have enough brains to explain the simplest fact: why on earth would Kiev undermine the elections with terrorist acts, since getting a legitimate President is its main goal today?

At the same time, Bolotov’s announcement means that he and his accomplices are ready to kill anything and anyone to reach their criminal goals.

3. Today the General Staff of the Russian Armed Forces announced that Russian troops deployed at Ukrainian borders are being withdrawn. But this process will be fully completed no earlier than June 8. What prevents them from moving the tanks earlier? Russian agressors don’t offer any explanations.

This morning, we recorded a decrease in the number of Russian troops by 3,000-4,000 people (compared to May 8). This is a drop in the ocean.

This means that the Presidential elections in Ukraine will be held in the same mode, under the threat of Russian invasion. We shouldn’t expect that we would be able to free up our troops from the defense line along the eastern border and reinforce the security forces during elections in Donbass.

The good news:

1. Russia will respect the results of the Presidential elections in Ukraine and will cooperate with government authorities formed after the elections.

Obviously this is all a game. On the other hand, Russian troops are at the borner, on the other hand–[Russia’s] readiness to acknowledge the elections. It looks as if the Kremlin is playing for the West rather than seeking a dialogue with Kiev.

But such glimpses of sound mind from the mouths of those who only yesterday elucidated a great-power nonsense–it’s already something.

2. Today, the last bell holiday [to commemorate the end of school year] at Lesya Ukrayinka gymnasium [high school] #5 took place in Sevastopol. Graduates and their teachers, in protest against the occupation of the [Crimean] peninsula by Russia, came to school wearing vyshyshankys [traditional embroidered shirts].

This is the lesson of courage from children and teachers, which would be useful and instructive for many of our military leaders.

3. The Russian Minister of Transport M. Sokolov announced that the capacity of Crimean ports doesn’t allow for talking about their large-scale application and development.

He has kept mum about the true reasons of course. Namely–about the fact that the Crimean ports were previously geared towards the flow of goods from Turkey, as well as other countries in the area. Since the occupation, Halva is no longer available. Russia is unable to provide the loading ports at the occupied peninsula. As a result, the closure of ports as budget-creating enterprises in the region and thousands of the unemployed.

There’s obviously little good in this process, since regular people suffer in Crimea. But this is one of the hundreds of reasons for Ukraine to start working on getting back the ARC [Autonomous Republic of Crimea]. To work in a way Russia worked for many years–explain, persuade, and eventually hold a brilliant special op.

The difference is that Russia stole someone else’s [territory]. We will have to reclaim ours.

Leader of the “LPR” V.Bolotov: militia will not allow elections in the region


The leader of the “People’s Republic of Luhansk” Valeriy Bolotov stated that he will not allow to hold the Ukrainian presidential elections in the region on the 25th of May; he promised any sort of opposition, including use of force. 

“They (pro-Kiev forces – ed.) will try to organize voting stations by any means. We will not allow it. They will be attacked,” – said V. Bolotov.

He said that military troops and vehicles enter towns leaving behind themselves space, where “they are trying to hold elections”.

According to him it is mainly in the area from the side of Starobelsk.

“Pontoon connection go, as they don’t know that we mined the bridges,” – he said.

Bolotov has also informed that seal and other document for the elections are being transported to the region, however part of them is already seized by the militia.

The leader of the “People’s Republic of Luhansk” addressed residents of Luhansk and all the region asking them not to take part in the elections.

“Residents of the “People’s Republic of Luhansk” have nothing to do with this political profanity,” – he said.

Prosecutors, taking into account the events that occur in the Luhansk region, gathered enough evidence to qualify the activity of the so-called “governor” of Luhansk region Valery Bolotov as the creation of a terrorist organization.

Symbols of subversives from Donbas explained

Do you know that symbols are signs and in turn signs are words? It doesn’t matter if you don’t, you just have to comprehend the following semiotic term: sign. Sign is a depiction of something, for example a word, a road sign, an emblem, coat of arms or something else. A sign always has a meaning and it is used to depict that meaning. It does not matter, whether the sign is spoken or drawn.

Flag of Donbas's People army, wuite popular between insurgents, and also translated symbol of Slovyansk TV. Do you notice something wrong with that shield and sword?

Flag of Donbass People’s army, quite popular between insurgents. Do you notice something wrong with that shield and sword?

For instance, the symbols of “self-defense” units of Donbass separatists were broadcasted on local television in Slavyansk and seen on different flags, although, now they are less seen (compared to how it was before), so maybe the separatists have come to reason. Does it give you any thoughts? Do you know what it says? Older people should remember the symbols.

If you have guessed, let’s go through some other signs, used in Donbass, now teeming with separatists and terrorists. If you haven’t guessed, I’ll tell you after some images with flags.

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Dmitry Tymchuk Military blog: summary for May 16

By Dmitry Tymchuk, Translated and edited by Voices of Ukraine

The bad news:

1. Today, we recorded a gathering of Russian troops previously located in the 100 km [62 mile] zone from the border between the Russian Federation and Ukraine, closer to the Ukrainian border. At the same time, they did not approach the direct line-of-sight zone immediately next to the border.

Russian commanders were instructed to prepare for a “peacekeeping operation.” Our border patrol servicemen note that the provocations at the border have died down.

It’s like the calm before the storm.

Although, if Vladimir Putin really wanted to move his troops into Ukraine–Moscow would have recognized the results of the May 11 “pseudoreferendums” in Donbass and would have done so.

It seems that this is just the continuation of long-standing pressure. Let’s see what happens close to the Presidential elections in Ukraine (scheduled for May 25). But we must be ready or anything–however, the Ukrainian Ministry of Defense reported that the army is ready for the invasion scenario.

2. The anti-terrorist operation (ATO) once again resumed its crazy jolts. After yesterday’s pro-active phase, the special forces calmed down too quickly–and instantly received a reply.

In Donetsk and Slavyansk, terrorists keep building impressive checkpoints in broad daylight. They bring in the construction cranes, and install the concrete blocks. Military bases and even staff headquarters are being attacked–as happened with the HQ of the Eastern Operative Association of the National Guard in Donetsk.

To be honest with you, it’s already getting tired. Personally, I have no words for it. It’s already not a betrayal or “leaks” of the ATO–it’s some bloody surrealistic art house. And endless at that.

3. The Crimean Tatars. The day after tomorrow is the anniversary of their deportation (from Crimea to primarily Uzbek USSR). This year, they will celebrate this tragic date in a big prison camp once again–no longer called the “USSR” but the “Russian Federation.”

Crimean Tatars have been prohibited from holding any public events. Their homes are being searched throughout. Crimea is stuffed to its eyeballs with OMON police. In a word: Putin-style democracy.

We shouldn’t forget about our Crimean brothers–neither Crimean Tatars nor Ukrainians. Currently Kiev seems to have stopped paying attention to their problems. We don’t hear their confident and harsh statements addressed to Moscow regarding gross human rights violations in Crimea. We consider this a betrayal.

We, the Information Resistance group, are restoring our (information) network and resuming our work in Crimea. It’s our duty. Forgive us for temporarily being distracted from fulfilling our duty.

The good news:

1. The Prosecutor General’s office of Ukraine has finally officially recognized the “People’s Republic of Luhansk” (LPR) and “People’s Republic of Donetsk” (DPR) the terrorist organizations. This was the First Deputy to the Prosecutor General, Nikolay Golomsha.

The fact that these gentlemen who kidnap people and kill-rob-and-rape them, can never be called members of the Macrame Lovers Club, is obvious to everyone. But we now have their official definition. Everyone in the world knows what a terrorist is.

Today, I also resorted to polemics with a representative from Akhmetov’s company on this. She tried to prove to the whole wide world that cooperation with terrorists, as Rinat Akhmetov’s “Metinvest” engages in (accompanied by demands requiring Ukrainian security forces get out of Donbass), is a pledge of peace and prosperity. And since I criticize this tender friendship between Akhmetov’s structures and terrorists, I must be a very bad man. Like, the bandits in Donbass are not terrorists at all, but almost cute and pleasant people.

From now on, these guys can no longer justify their actions. Anyone who recognizes the “DPR” and “LPR” and enters into cooperation with them–are officially the accomplices of terrorists. In addition to our local “princelings” represented by oligarchs in the East, it also applies to the main sponsor of terrorism in Ukraine–Russia.

2. The UN report on Ukraine dotted it’s “i’s”.

The United Nations stated who the pro-Russian “people’s militia” (as Russia calls them) truly are. And this image completely coincides with that seen by simple Ukrainian citizens, patriots of their country. And thugs and criminals is what we see.

What’s even funnier is that Russia got immediately outraged by this. The Russian Ministry of Foreign Affairs, in its deceitful terminology of propaganda, criticized the UN. According to Russian authorities, their own lying propagandists who get rewarded with prizes and awards by Vladimir Putin for dragging Ukraine into the mud, are the truth of last resort. And the rest of the world lies.

Really, the Kremlin inhabitants have the same rotten barley cereals instead of brains that little Russian soldiers devour in Rostov Region at the border with Ukraine.

3. In Luhansk, the terrorist Alexei Rilke, the man dubbed as the “commander” of the so-called “South-East army” was detained.

One would think–nothing out of the ordinary, another bandit has been captured. Slap him on the ears–and lock him up.

But in reality, there aren’t too many freaks stirring the pot in Donbass. If a dozen or two pro-Russian “figures” (which have now declared themselves “Ministers,” “Speakers,” and “Commanders-in-Chief”) get locked up–half the work is done. That’s why we should have more news like this.

4. The Ukrainian Defense Minister announced today: servicemen participating in the ATO will receive increased monetary compensation, an expanded range of social guarantees, and number of benefits.

This is a very rare occurrence in Ukraine, where the emergence of new beneficiaries can and should be welcomed.

At the same time, Prime Minister Arseniy Yatsenyuk gave instructions to provide housing for the families of servicemen who died during the ATO. And this also is very important.

Guys who shed their blood today for the unity and sovereignty of our state are our Heroes. And the state should do everything it can so that they feel the state’s attention and care. This is the correct thing to do.

Dmitry Tymchuk’s Military Blog: Summary for May 13, 2014

Translated and edited by Voices of Ukraine

The bad news:

1. 13th of May is a black day in the history of the Ukrainian Armed Forces and the entire country. Janury 9, 2005 is another tragic day, when eight of our guys died in Essaouira.

Today near Kramatorsk, six Ukrainian servicemen died from the division of the 95th Separate Airmobile Brigade that was ambushed. Later, one more critically wounded airborne trooper passed away.

Our guys didn’t die in open battle–the pro-Russian dogs are too cowardly for that. Moscow-managed terrorists are only able to act on the sly–from behind, in an ambush or from behind a human shield of civilians. Despicable and vile only. This is their essence.

And huge questions remain to the command on the field. Why aren’t elementary measures taken for combat troop support in the area of the ATO? Where did reconnaissance and combat security go to? These are the questions for which we don’t yet have an answer.

Meanwhile, how much more Ukrainian blood will be shed before peace comes to Ukraine–no one can say. But I truly believe and know that our guys did not die in vain. With their lives are the freedom and unity of our country paid. May they rest in peace…

2. Today’s tragedy near Kramatorsk showed that any negotiations with terrorists, about which some politicians and “experts” broadcast on about, are out of the question.

Donbas can and should engage in dialogue with those who want peace. With the same butchers and criminals who soak Ukrainian land in the blood of Ukrainians, there is only one conversation. And in this conversation, the exit wound is considerably larger than the entrance.

Air support after pro-Russian terrorist ambush.
Air support after pro-Russian terrorist ambush near Kramatorsk.

The good news:

1. The Prosecutor General’s Office will consider the question of recognizing the so-called “People’s Republic of Donetsk” and the “People’s Republic of Luhansk” terrorist organizations.

In fact, it’s long overdue. These bandit structures have little in common with Sunday schools and relief funds for homeless chipmunks. This became clear–not today, and not even yesterday. Why it took prosecutors so long to birth their current bright idea–it’s hard to say. But they finally delivered it, and glory to God.

2. The OCG [organized crime group] “Donetsk People’s Republic” announced sanctions against the United States and the European Union, to ban entry into its territory to a number of politicians.

My God, what grief, what inhumanity. Now Barack Obama will not be able to admire the waste heaps of Donbass until November of this year, while acting against him are “sanctions.” How will he survive this tragedy–it’s hard to say. We ask the State Department to vigilantly follow the U.S. president–to check, if out of desperation he might not kill himself.

Angela Merkel is much more fortunate. “Sanctions” against her act only until September. After that, she will finally be able to visit her favorite Yenakievo and enrich her spiritual world by communicating with those who at one time stole the hats of passersby with Yanukovych. The Chancellor got lucky, what can I say.

In fact, the more the separatists show their inadequacy and stupidity, exposing themselves in an anecdotal light, the better. Maybe the Donbass residents will finally understand with what degenerates they are dealing.

3. Internal “disputes” amongst the separatists went ahead at full speed. Leaders of different groups are trying to determine which one of them is the next emperor of another Donbass hamlet. It’s an African Republic with them–the constant coups d’etat.

In the rush, the self-proclaimed “people’s Governor” of Luhansk, Valeriy Bolotov, almost got wiped out (although these updates by “truthful” Russian media remind one more of a propagandist show-off).

Whatever it was, let them bite. Spiders in a jar is a great representation of these gentlemen.