Dmitry Tymchuk Military blog: summary for May 16

By Dmitry Tymchuk, Translated and edited by Voices of Ukraine

The bad news:

1. Today, we recorded a gathering of Russian troops previously located in the 100 km [62 mile] zone from the border between the Russian Federation and Ukraine, closer to the Ukrainian border. At the same time, they did not approach the direct line-of-sight zone immediately next to the border.

Russian commanders were instructed to prepare for a “peacekeeping operation.” Our border patrol servicemen note that the provocations at the border have died down.

It’s like the calm before the storm.

Although, if Vladimir Putin really wanted to move his troops into Ukraine–Moscow would have recognized the results of the May 11 “pseudoreferendums” in Donbass and would have done so.

It seems that this is just the continuation of long-standing pressure. Let’s see what happens close to the Presidential elections in Ukraine (scheduled for May 25). But we must be ready or anything–however, the Ukrainian Ministry of Defense reported that the army is ready for the invasion scenario.

2. The anti-terrorist operation (ATO) once again resumed its crazy jolts. After yesterday’s pro-active phase, the special forces calmed down too quickly–and instantly received a reply.

In Donetsk and Slavyansk, terrorists keep building impressive checkpoints in broad daylight. They bring in the construction cranes, and install the concrete blocks. Military bases and even staff headquarters are being attacked–as happened with the HQ of the Eastern Operative Association of the National Guard in Donetsk.

To be honest with you, it’s already getting tired. Personally, I have no words for it. It’s already not a betrayal or “leaks” of the ATO–it’s some bloody surrealistic art house. And endless at that.

3. The Crimean Tatars. The day after tomorrow is the anniversary of their deportation (from Crimea to primarily Uzbek USSR). This year, they will celebrate this tragic date in a big prison camp once again–no longer called the “USSR” but the “Russian Federation.”

Crimean Tatars have been prohibited from holding any public events. Their homes are being searched throughout. Crimea is stuffed to its eyeballs with OMON police. In a word: Putin-style democracy.

We shouldn’t forget about our Crimean brothers–neither Crimean Tatars nor Ukrainians. Currently Kiev seems to have stopped paying attention to their problems. We don’t hear their confident and harsh statements addressed to Moscow regarding gross human rights violations in Crimea. We consider this a betrayal.

We, the Information Resistance group, are restoring our (information) network and resuming our work in Crimea. It’s our duty. Forgive us for temporarily being distracted from fulfilling our duty.

The good news:

1. The Prosecutor General’s office of Ukraine has finally officially recognized the “People’s Republic of Luhansk” (LPR) and “People’s Republic of Donetsk” (DPR) the terrorist organizations. This was the First Deputy to the Prosecutor General, Nikolay Golomsha.

The fact that these gentlemen who kidnap people and kill-rob-and-rape them, can never be called members of the Macrame Lovers Club, is obvious to everyone. But we now have their official definition. Everyone in the world knows what a terrorist is.

Today, I also resorted to polemics with a representative from Akhmetov’s company on this. She tried to prove to the whole wide world that cooperation with terrorists, as Rinat Akhmetov’s “Metinvest” engages in (accompanied by demands requiring Ukrainian security forces get out of Donbass), is a pledge of peace and prosperity. And since I criticize this tender friendship between Akhmetov’s structures and terrorists, I must be a very bad man. Like, the bandits in Donbass are not terrorists at all, but almost cute and pleasant people.

From now on, these guys can no longer justify their actions. Anyone who recognizes the “DPR” and “LPR” and enters into cooperation with them–are officially the accomplices of terrorists. In addition to our local “princelings” represented by oligarchs in the East, it also applies to the main sponsor of terrorism in Ukraine–Russia.

2. The UN report on Ukraine dotted it’s “i’s”.

The United Nations stated who the pro-Russian “people’s militia” (as Russia calls them) truly are. And this image completely coincides with that seen by simple Ukrainian citizens, patriots of their country. And thugs and criminals is what we see.

What’s even funnier is that Russia got immediately outraged by this. The Russian Ministry of Foreign Affairs, in its deceitful terminology of propaganda, criticized the UN. According to Russian authorities, their own lying propagandists who get rewarded with prizes and awards by Vladimir Putin for dragging Ukraine into the mud, are the truth of last resort. And the rest of the world lies.

Really, the Kremlin inhabitants have the same rotten barley cereals instead of brains that little Russian soldiers devour in Rostov Region at the border with Ukraine.

3. In Luhansk, the terrorist Alexei Rilke, the man dubbed as the “commander” of the so-called “South-East army” was detained.

One would think–nothing out of the ordinary, another bandit has been captured. Slap him on the ears–and lock him up.

But in reality, there aren’t too many freaks stirring the pot in Donbass. If a dozen or two pro-Russian “figures” (which have now declared themselves “Ministers,” “Speakers,” and “Commanders-in-Chief”) get locked up–half the work is done. That’s why we should have more news like this.

4. The Ukrainian Defense Minister announced today: servicemen participating in the ATO will receive increased monetary compensation, an expanded range of social guarantees, and number of benefits.

This is a very rare occurrence in Ukraine, where the emergence of new beneficiaries can and should be welcomed.

At the same time, Prime Minister Arseniy Yatsenyuk gave instructions to provide housing for the families of servicemen who died during the ATO. And this also is very important.

Guys who shed their blood today for the unity and sovereignty of our state are our Heroes. And the state should do everything it can so that they feel the state’s attention and care. This is the correct thing to do.

National Guard of Ukraine Statement to Residents of Donbass

Dear residents of Donbass,

I would like to address you on behalf of soldiers of the National Guard,
We are reservists, first and foremost, we are not trained military. We are teachers, engineers, business people. We are same citizens like everyone else, we love this country, we live in this country, we wish peace and tranquility. Our main goal is ensure safety of our country’s citizens, to protect against persons who had obtained weapons illegally.
We are not here to fight peaceful residents or civilians, we are here to fight armed criminals who rob people, those who had taken away our peace and tranquility, those who make our schools and kindergartens unsafe. We came here to protect our citizens, our people.

Greetings to residents of Slavyansk, Please don’t think anything bad of us, we are on your side, we are YOUR army. We will be helping and protecting you, making sure you are alright. All of our commanders are very concerned of your safety, we are making sure none of you is harmed. Our goal is to save lives of all residents, without difference in beliefs or opinions. We are one people, one family. We must love and respect each other.

Source: Euromaidanpr

Dmitry Tymchuk: One more update on the situation in Mariupol

Translated by Voices of Ukraine

We deliberately avoided commenting on the situation with [Ukrainian] troops withdrawal from Mariupol yesterday [May 10], since we thought that such explanations should have been provided either by representatives of the highest state leadership or by the special forces command. Yesterday, the National Guard commanders commented on the situation in general. We will try to expand on these statements for [better] understanding.

In the IR memo of May 10 we noted that special forces demonstrated rather significant expertise. But we should also draw your attention to the statement regarding Russian propaganda.

The bottom line is that in Mariupol (unlike in Sloviansk or in Kramatorsk) we saw how local residents, poisoned by propaganda, supported terrorists quite significantly by going into the streets to confront the mythical “Right Sector,” and by perceiving security forces as the enemy—messengers of the “illegitimate Banderite” government.

And, although the majority of these “peaceful protesters” were the local lumpens and marginals (which we saw on the video of events), the large-scale protests against Ukrainian security forces reached a critical level. In fact, the events in Mariupol approximated the format of the civil war that the Russian leadership is so eager to ignite in Ukraine.

In this situation, the security forces had two options. Either to accept the imposed scenario and drown the city in blood. Or retreat.

They chose the second option. Whether it was the right decision or not—decide for yourself.

Source: Dmitry Tymchuk FB
Translation: Maidan Translations

The appeal of the National Guard of Ukraine

Appeal of the National Guard of Ukraine

Authorities of Ukrainian National Guard categorically deny slander about “soldiers participation in shootings at peaceful civilians on 9th of May” being spread via media. The goal of such cynical and faulty information is to discredit our troops, to diminish their role in the process of stabilization of criminogenic situation in Mariupol as well as to intentionally raise tensions among the city residents. We want to remind that soldiers of the National Guard risk their lives doing everything they can in order to stop the violence and to ensure peace in the streets of the city during the anti-terrorist operation. Once again we ask the people to assess actions of the soldiers reasonably and only spread the information coming from official sources, in order not to misjudge the events.



This is the evidence, showing that the “peaceful residents” used guns and had Molotov cocktails.
