Lithuanian protesters burried Putin near the Russian embassy

rusijos_ambasada_2014-08-29-1Today, Lithuanians protested against Russian invasion into Ukraine and Vladimir Putin’s regime. Protest was organized by the group “Help for the Ukraine”, Liberal Party of Lithuania (Lietuvos Respublikos liberalų sąjūdis) and one of its leaders Remigijus Šimašius. There was symbolic burial of Vladimir Putin to show what can be done to save Europe from World War III.

In the last few days we saw fast escalation of armed conflict in Ukraine with massive invasion of Russia’s regular military forces. After substantial gains of Ukrainian military forces in crushing Russia inspired insurgency, terrorists controlled by Russia, received direct support of Russian army units and started a new offensive against Ukraine that resulted in massive losses in Ukrainian army and the National guard. Currently, the news report that Vladimir Putin advises Ukraine for talks on sovereignty of South-East Ukraine – so called Novorossya or Lugansk and Donetsk People republics. Therefore, a clear pattern of previous Russia’s wars that resulted in occupation of South Osetia and Abhazia (parts of Georgia) and instituting Russian puppet regimes there is evident.

Symbols of subversives from Donbas explained

Do you know that symbols are signs and in turn signs are words? It doesn’t matter if you don’t, you just have to comprehend the following semiotic term: sign. Sign is a depiction of something, for example a word, a road sign, an emblem, coat of arms or something else. A sign always has a meaning and it is used to depict that meaning. It does not matter, whether the sign is spoken or drawn.

Flag of Donbas's People army, wuite popular between insurgents, and also translated symbol of Slovyansk TV. Do you notice something wrong with that shield and sword?

Flag of Donbass People’s army, quite popular between insurgents. Do you notice something wrong with that shield and sword?

For instance, the symbols of “self-defense” units of Donbass separatists were broadcasted on local television in Slavyansk and seen on different flags, although, now they are less seen (compared to how it was before), so maybe the separatists have come to reason. Does it give you any thoughts? Do you know what it says? Older people should remember the symbols.

If you have guessed, let’s go through some other signs, used in Donbass, now teeming with separatists and terrorists. If you haven’t guessed, I’ll tell you after some images with flags.

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