Lithuanian protesters burried Putin near the Russian embassy

rusijos_ambasada_2014-08-29-1Today, Lithuanians protested against Russian invasion into Ukraine and Vladimir Putin’s regime. Protest was organized by the group “Help for the Ukraine”, Liberal Party of Lithuania (Lietuvos Respublikos liberalų sąjūdis) and one of its leaders Remigijus Šimašius. There was symbolic burial of Vladimir Putin to show what can be done to save Europe from World War III.

In the last few days we saw fast escalation of armed conflict in Ukraine with massive invasion of Russia’s regular military forces. After substantial gains of Ukrainian military forces in crushing Russia inspired insurgency, terrorists controlled by Russia, received direct support of Russian army units and started a new offensive against Ukraine that resulted in massive losses in Ukrainian army and the National guard. Currently, the news report that Vladimir Putin advises Ukraine for talks on sovereignty of South-East Ukraine – so called Novorossya or Lugansk and Donetsk People republics. Therefore, a clear pattern of previous Russia’s wars that resulted in occupation of South Osetia and Abhazia (parts of Georgia) and instituting Russian puppet regimes there is evident.

Aidar batallion’s statement regarding the ambush

Via Batallion Aidar FB and Reddit (translation by Samarras).

The two fronts of Aidar

You have to know how to fight a war. Especially when the war takes place on two fronts. “Aidar” batallion can handle that too. We consciously took a break in the information space, waiting for official commentary concerning the events of 17-06-2014. Our prediction came true. The commentary is as far from the truth as the leadership’s wish to complete the ATO quickly. Let’s start.

First front

With great pomp and noise the generals were going to take over Metallist (a village adjacent to Lugansk). Into which as recently as three days ago entered our paratroopers and found nothing. Separatists, tortured by Aidar’s activity in Schastie, just ran away. Instead of the order to “gain foothold, dig in, defend, wait for reinforcement” they got a rude order to retreat. Paratroopers’ commander looked like… when he was telling me about it. And now the uniformed eggheads(i.e. generals) were going to earn great bonuses and fame for their considerable military talents in wasting a sizable amount of ammunition and their skills of shooting at hummingbirds (spoiler: it worked really well).

So, one quiet Ukrainian night, a mortar battery dug in for dealing a decisive morning blow to Metallist. Nobody bothered to set up guards(“Why?”). From the golf club’s direction, a group of about 30 “colorados” started to move closer in order to take over the battery(“How did they find out about it?”). The adjacent checkpoint, housing Aidar’s patrol unit, decided to check the movements in the neutral area inside its responsibility zone. It met resistance, and the situation ended up as Aidar fighting while surrounded. They had 3 times more people than us and the battle lasted for 2.5 hours till sunrise, until the armored infantry unit (regular army) started to execute the generals’ plan and moved towards Metallist. The terrorists retreated and the mortar battery was saved. Armored infantry continued its victorious march until strengthened block-post of the separatists and got into a well-prepared ambush (“Who told them the plans?”).

ATO bottom line (from the generals)

One tank burned and deserted. One APC burned, second APC with a jammed clutch. Two BMPs deserted under battle circumstances.

The ATO HQ summoned an Aidar sotnya(century) for help, as it was the only nearby reserve force. Quick march by crawling (literally) under sniper and machine gun fire on an open terrain (all our losses came from this) was completed in a shortest time, and the batallion engaged the enemy as soon as it could take positions in the wheat fields and the forest.

Thanks for help to the helicopter pilots, tank and artillery personnel. Everything worked well. They didn’t let them to hit us from mobile mortars. We don’t know whom to “thank” for the lack of communication equipment and the lack of coordination with other units. Special thanks to L’vov paratroopers, that had arrived when we already on the edge of exhaustion, to precise anti-aircraft gunners and RPG men and all brothers in arms, who helped to finally repeal the bandits. And also thanks to the population, that has been texting us all night about the enemy locations and movements.

ATO bottom line (from Aidar).

Mortar battery saved. Both APCs and both BMPs, “lost” by the generals, were taken back (separatists managed to take away the tank). AGS, recoilless gun, anti-aircraft gun, a variety of RPGs, small arms and ammunition: taken. (Photos will be published. After all we are in a battle, not in a studio). Under 30 terrorists were terminated. Metallist was taken. Our batallion lost 4 dead and twelve wounded (three of them are heavily wounded, life not threatened), a few people taken prisoners. Aidar has won again. Despite…

The price of one Aidar fighter for one armored unit we consider too high. Our fallen ones are worth more. And we will charge this price!

Second front

Aidar suffered no losses, until called into battle by the generals… (To be continued)

P.S. This post was written by a man who participated in this battle. On the various videos it’s not Aidar. Aidar still has no armored cars of its own.

Concerning the situation in East Ukraine on May 10th

dmitry_tymchukA report by “Info Resistance” group, concerning the situation in East Ukraine on May 10th.

Concerning the progress of ATO

Yesterday events in Mariupol revealed that actions of structure forces finally became adequate.
The heads of divisions of force structures participating in ATO demonstrate abilities to quickly react and give orders which correspond to the tactical situation.

Soldiers managed to cross the psychological barrier of using weapons, which used to arise in direct confrontations with the terrorists. (Taking into account the interests of force structures, we did not mention this problem previously, although, during ATO, it was one of the more serious ones.)

The effectiveness of the National Guard and the Internal army (especially its special-tasks squads) must be stressed. Today, it’s the only unit that does not raise any questions about its activities.

The effectiveness of volunteer units is also impressive (we mean the defence battalion “Dniepr” which was formed by volunteers from Dnepropetrovsk region and came to Mariupol on May 8th). High fighting spirit of volunteers was obvious. It also worth noting that the actions of their commanders were very professional, as they managed to quickly orientate and organize a coordination between units.

The weak link in the chain of defence against terorrists is still the law and order structures. There, the scale of sabotage and betrayal is global. This is one of the most pressing problems and for now there are no obvious solutions to it.

The situation on the border between Ukraine and Russia remains very tense. To effectively resist the entry of Russian sabotage groups and weapons to Ukrainian territory, Ukrainian border guard lacks additional human power, means and aid from other force structures. From this perspective, particularly bad situation is in the regions of Lugansk and Donetsk.

Concerning the capacities of terrorists

For at least two weeks, in terrorists units in the East, we observed mass replacement of soldiers from GRU special forces squads with mercenaries from Russia. First of all, its reserve soldiers, most of whom have served in special forces units and have experience of fighting (e.g. in Caucasus).

Recruitment of such quite professional mercenaries is carried out by the government of Russia in the whole country. According to our information, during the last three weeks, even in Khabarovsk, military recruitment centers recalled experienced reserve soldiers (who served in squads of special forces) and offered them good wages for coming to Ukraine and participating in terrorist activities. This is especially prominent in the Southern federal region of Russian Federation.

At the same time, weapons are conveyed from Russia to terrorist groups in Donbas, in a large scale.
It is also dangerous that in the background of destabilization, enterprises in Donbas are halting and unemployment is on the rise. Many local residents find the wage (100 USD per day) for participation in terrorist actions completely acceptable.

Effective Russian propaganda (exaggeration of the mythical danger of the Right Sector, spreading of stereotypes about Ukraine as a fascist country full of banderovtsy, stories about illegitimacy of the current Ukrainian government, dishonoring of Ukrainian force structures and ATO as if they were “blood-thirsty suppressors of the people’s revolt”, etc.) is also an important factor in the destabilization of situation in the region. The growth of effectivity of false Russian propaganda was observed after the tragic events of May 2nd in Odessa.

As has already been mentioned, the general analysis of the situation (first of all, in Donetsk) has shown that there still remain many questions concerning local police. Sadly, its members are often saboteurs and traitors living on the goods of the nation which they betray.

These “guardians of law and order” are a serious resource for extremist forces. Further service of these traitors in the Ministry of Internal Affairs is a grave danger for the national interests. In the case of their mass dismissal, we predict them joining terrorist groups where they will continue their anti-Ukrainian actions. The only difference being the money from Moscow.

On the edge

Today, the fate of Ukraine is being decided in Donbas. Unable to stir the unrest in the whole Southeastern region, Kremlin decided to act gradually and take the control of smaller regions one by one.

It must be understood that the Donetsk oblast is the “pilot project” of the second stage (the first being Crimea) of Putin’s gamble with the purpose of destroying Ukraine. If Moscow manages to achieve its goals there, a similar scenario will be enacted in Lugansk and in Kharkov. And further on. interview with soldiers in Mariupol interview with soldiers in Mariupol

By the way, events in the South may be initiated at the same time. The base for active Russian operations already exists – it is Transnistria. It is no coincidence that 2 000 Russian soldiers were moved there in March. Half of these soldiers are members of the special forces, already dressed as “the green men”  – groups prepared to carry out sabotage acts.

While Ukraine’s attention is directed towards Donbas, the time is suitable for implementing the same plan in Odessa. Without Odessa Ukraine would loose the whole South.

Nonetheless, Southeast is not the endpoint of the scenario. While Vladimir Putin is waving his devil’s pitchfork with the name of Viktor Yanukovych, we cannot be sure that he is not intending to go for Kiev with the pretext of “reestablishing the legitimate government in Ukraine”.

This scenario can be partly hindered by the effective work of law enforcement on the four criminal cases against Yanukovych. If they would clearly show the whole world that the “legitimate president” is a thief and a murderer, it would be more difficult for Putin to use him in his puppet-play.

Still, this is only a small fragment. What is the most important is the actions involving the use of direct force. For some decades already, there exists a prevailing pacifist notion of a flower blossom placed in a gun barrel. Our government loudly declared the beginning of the anti-terrorist operation, but at the same time limited the actions of our force structures and put those flowers into their guns.

Yes, the casualties of the supposedly “peaceful residents” are unnecessary and unwelcome. Yet, what is preventing the government from declaring the state of emergency in this turbulent region? And explaining people that those who are preventing the force structures from fulfilling their duty are outside the law?

For instance, yesterday, during the assault on the military unit in Mariupol, soldiers have wounded several participating extremists. At once, the latter declared that they were simply promenading near the military compound at around midnight, and thus were accidental victims. What is the conclusion? Of course, the soldiers are bloodthirsty maniacs. The fact that within the zone of the anti-terrorist operation, someone is attacking the soldiers, taking away their guns and attacking military units, is a complete nonsense. Certainly.

In the end, it should be understood that you cannot attempt to swaddle the soldiers following the “rules of peacetime” and hope to get miraculous results. You cannot use a knife if you haven’t pulled it out of its sheath.

I am strictly against bloodshed. Yet, there are moments when one side or the other must make a decision – to defend itself or cease to exist. If we decided to become the most peaceful nation within the Great Russia, we must say so. There is no need to be modest because it is misleading.

Yet, if we do not want to be a part of Russia, we must defend ourselves. Maybe, for some it is a difficult decision. But it must have been made already yesterday.

Yes, today are all walking on the edge. On the one hand there is a danger of “provoking” Russia into an open invasion, which would mean casualties and the loss of the country. On the other hand the country would be lost without casualties.

I respect the Christian morality. But at the same time I cannot remember any example in the history of world, when an indecisive nation was declared great and worth respect.

At the same time, government decisions are not the only problem. There are many issues concerning the chosen tactics, for instance, the actions of the command of separate units of the Armed Forces of Ukraine.

Yesterday, the whole country was astonished by the “fighting actions” carried out by the troopers. Yet, the causes of this phantasmagoria lie not in the soldiers’ torn boots, but rather in the shoulder straps of senior officers. It is these factors that have to be analyzed and eliminated immediately.

Tomorrow, it will be too late.