Concerning the situation in East Ukraine on May 10th

dmitry_tymchukA report by “Info Resistance” group, concerning the situation in East Ukraine on May 10th.

Concerning the progress of ATO

Yesterday events in Mariupol revealed that actions of structure forces finally became adequate.
The heads of divisions of force structures participating in ATO demonstrate abilities to quickly react and give orders which correspond to the tactical situation.

Soldiers managed to cross the psychological barrier of using weapons, which used to arise in direct confrontations with the terrorists. (Taking into account the interests of force structures, we did not mention this problem previously, although, during ATO, it was one of the more serious ones.)

The effectiveness of the National Guard and the Internal army (especially its special-tasks squads) must be stressed. Today, it’s the only unit that does not raise any questions about its activities.

The effectiveness of volunteer units is also impressive (we mean the defence battalion “Dniepr” which was formed by volunteers from Dnepropetrovsk region and came to Mariupol on May 8th). High fighting spirit of volunteers was obvious. It also worth noting that the actions of their commanders were very professional, as they managed to quickly orientate and organize a coordination between units.

The weak link in the chain of defence against terorrists is still the law and order structures. There, the scale of sabotage and betrayal is global. This is one of the most pressing problems and for now there are no obvious solutions to it.

The situation on the border between Ukraine and Russia remains very tense. To effectively resist the entry of Russian sabotage groups and weapons to Ukrainian territory, Ukrainian border guard lacks additional human power, means and aid from other force structures. From this perspective, particularly bad situation is in the regions of Lugansk and Donetsk.

Concerning the capacities of terrorists

For at least two weeks, in terrorists units in the East, we observed mass replacement of soldiers from GRU special forces squads with mercenaries from Russia. First of all, its reserve soldiers, most of whom have served in special forces units and have experience of fighting (e.g. in Caucasus).

Recruitment of such quite professional mercenaries is carried out by the government of Russia in the whole country. According to our information, during the last three weeks, even in Khabarovsk, military recruitment centers recalled experienced reserve soldiers (who served in squads of special forces) and offered them good wages for coming to Ukraine and participating in terrorist activities. This is especially prominent in the Southern federal region of Russian Federation.

At the same time, weapons are conveyed from Russia to terrorist groups in Donbas, in a large scale.
It is also dangerous that in the background of destabilization, enterprises in Donbas are halting and unemployment is on the rise. Many local residents find the wage (100 USD per day) for participation in terrorist actions completely acceptable.

Effective Russian propaganda (exaggeration of the mythical danger of the Right Sector, spreading of stereotypes about Ukraine as a fascist country full of banderovtsy, stories about illegitimacy of the current Ukrainian government, dishonoring of Ukrainian force structures and ATO as if they were “blood-thirsty suppressors of the people’s revolt”, etc.) is also an important factor in the destabilization of situation in the region. The growth of effectivity of false Russian propaganda was observed after the tragic events of May 2nd in Odessa.

As has already been mentioned, the general analysis of the situation (first of all, in Donetsk) has shown that there still remain many questions concerning local police. Sadly, its members are often saboteurs and traitors living on the goods of the nation which they betray.

These “guardians of law and order” are a serious resource for extremist forces. Further service of these traitors in the Ministry of Internal Affairs is a grave danger for the national interests. In the case of their mass dismissal, we predict them joining terrorist groups where they will continue their anti-Ukrainian actions. The only difference being the money from Moscow.

There are so many fake WWII veterans in Russia, Ukraine and other countries today. But many of them can be identified very easily – just analyze their decorations.


Real decorations

A badge of “Veteran of KGB” with the profile of Dzerzhinsky
A badge for “Special department of KGB USSR”

Made-up decorations:

3. Twice the Hero of Soviet Union
27 remaining “double” heroes, of whom 24 astronauts and 3 aviators, no-one from NKVD.

4. Hero of the socialist labour
the only surviving “Hero of Socialist labour” and at the same time once hero of Soviet Union – V.I. Golovchenko, director of “sovkhoz”.

5. Seven Orders of Lenin
Throughout the history that many orders of Lenin were only awarded to marshalls Semyon Budyonny and Ivan Bagramyan, and also the first Minister of the Soviet-era Ministry of General Machine Building Sergey Aleksandrovich Afanasyev.

6. The Order of Alexander Nevsky
None of the staff from NKVD, MGB, KGB were awarded.

7. Three “Orders of the October Revolution”
triple award of this order does not exist.

How to spot fake veteran of the WWII

May 9, 2014 Lithuanian media round-up

Angela Merkel, Chancellor of Germany, on May 9th said that ‘Putin’s failure to de-escalate situation in Ukraine will lead to further international sanctions.’ (15

On May 9th a protest against Russian aggression and occupation of Crimea was organized at the Russian embassy in Vilnius. People came to the protest with Ukrainian, Lithuanian, US flags and NATO symbols. Some also had posters with slogans directed against Russian policy and military actions in Ukraine, asking why criminals and torturers deserve higher pensions from Kremlin (a recent decision by Vladimir Putin). (ELTA)

Situation in Mariupol 17:30

17:30 Situation in Mariupol is now calm. Special forces squad “Azov” has retaken the building of the Ministry of Internal Affairs. Previously terrorists had captured its ground and first floor. Afterwards it left the town. However, there are still armed and drunk terrorists in town. Insider report.

They have taken the dead and the wounded. At the same time firefighters finished putting out the fire in burning buildings.

According to a journalist, there is no governance in town. The mayor of Mariupol ran away after the first shot was fired and no one knows where he is. Militia is afraid to retake the buildings. Therefore, the situation may still get worse.

Protest against Russian aggression was held in Vilnius

Today, a protest against Russian aggression and occupation of Crimea was organized at the Russian embassy in Vilnius. In the words of one of the participants, MP Mantas Adomėnas, “it is shameful when historical memory and symbols of military achievements (Ribbon of St. George and the like) are used to feed hatred against the countries that finally liberated themselves from the Soviet slavery.

The country, which is still living on the scraps of imperialistic revanchism, has lost the right to talk about its “liberating” role in World War II, especially when after crossing the Lithuanian border the Soviet army became a murderous and destructive occupier, engaged in war crimes and genocide. That is why the 9th of May should not be celebrated in Lithuania”.

People came to the protest with Ukrainian, Lithuanian, US flags and NATO symbols. Some also had posters with slogans directed against Russian policy and military actions in Ukraine, asking why criminals and torturers deserve higher pensions from Kremlin (a recent decision by Vladimir Putin).

May 7, 2014 Lithuanian media round-up

On May 7th Mustafa Dzemilev, Leader of the Crimean Tatars, was awarded Solidarity Prize by Poland for respect of civil rights and liberties in Ukraine, especially in Tatar community. (,

Ukraine, during official events dedicated to the anniversary of the ending of WWII, will use European instead of Russian symbols. The Ukrainian Institute of National Memory is calling for the media and civil community to use the red poppy flower as a Ukrainian symbol of traditional celebration of victory over Nazism and the end of World War II in Europe. (

On May 7th Ukraine from International Monetary Fund (IMF) got 3,19 billion US dollars as the first part of emergency aid package. (,,,

Danylo Lubkivski, Ukrainian Deputy Minister of Foreign Affairs, in an interview to stressed that in Eastern Ukraine acts Russian saboteurs and agents and that must be called terrorism. He also expressed his gratitude to Lithuanians for their solidarity to Ukraine people. (

Loreta Graužinienė, Speaker of Lithuanian Parliament, on a News radio said that ‘to the use of so-called St. George ribbons in the Ukrainian crisis context, should be viewed with a higher degree of responsibility’. Read more in Lithuania Tribune:

Pat Cox, the former President of the European Parliament, in an interview to BNS said that ‘a Cold War has already started between the Western world and Russia, and Western sanctions probably will not alter the behaviour of Russian President Vladimir Putin’ (, Read more in Lithuania Tribune:

Mikhail Khodorkovsky in an interview to Lietuvos rytas said that ‘if the Russian invasion to Ukraine would be not stopped, the Baltic or the Balkan countries could be the next target‘ (, Read more in Lithuania Tribune:

Herman van Rompuy, President of the European Council, in his official Twitter said that ‘Further steps in destabilising Ukraine will call for additional sanctions. The EU is ready to take decisions, if needed’.(

May 6, Lithuanian media round-up

On 6th of May Lithuanian President Dalia Grybauskaitė met with the former President of the European Parliament, Pat Cox. The Lithuanian head of state and the Irish politician, co-head of a European Parliament special mission in Ukraine, reviewed the results and prospects of the EU’s Eastern Partnership programme, talked about the situation in Ukraine and its implications for international security (Press Service of the President, BNS). Read more in Lithuania Tribune:

On  5-6th of May Vytautas Leškevičius, the Vice-Minister of Foreign Affairs of Lithuania, attended a session of the Committee of Ministers of the Council of Europe in Vienna. He encouraged the organization to oppose Russia’s political, economical and military aggression against Ukraine and finally to take strict actions implementing Geneva agreement. Vytautas Leškevičius said that ‘Russia’s occupation and illegal annexation of Crimea, continuous attempts to destabilize the situation in Eastern Ukraine, as well as regular threatening to Ukraine and other neighbors is an existential challenge not only to Ukraine, Moldova, Georgia, but also to this organization and for all of Europe’s human rights, democracy and law.’ (Ministry of Foreign Affairs information, ELTA, )

On May 6th Vilija Aleknaitė-Abramikienė, vice-president of OSCE Parliamentary Assembly, expressed his concern about Russian note regarding stopping to inform Lithuania about military units in Kaliningrad. She said that ‘Kremlin demonstrates that all international agreements and treaties is only a game for Russia and that Kremlin is determined to break into pieces all European security architecture, which was created after World War II.’ Vilija Aleknaitė-Abramikienė also thinks, that Lithuanian society and government institutions, including Ministry of National Defense, couldn’t stay calm any more. (Lithuanian Parliament Press Office, BNS, ELTA, unofficial translation)

On May 6th Rimantas Šadžius, Lithuanian Minister of Finance, said that ‘Russian-Ukrainian conflict will have a limited impact on the Lithuanian economy’ (BNS, 15, Lithuanian National Radio and Television). Read more in Lithuania Tribune:

Frank-Walter Steinmeier, the German Federal Minister for Foreign Affairs, in an interview to Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung newspaper said that there is a threat that conflict in Ukraine will reach the point of no return and it becomes a start of war in Eastern Europe (, Read more in Lithuania Tribune:

Angela Merkel, Chancellor of Germany, in a press conference said that would be a pity if Russian President uses the celebration of the Victory Day to visit Crimea. (,

Putin’s plan for the 9th of May

Everyone understands that Russia is tired of Ukraine. Everyone understands that Russia wants to finally invade Ukraine form Slavyansk to Chop and get rid of this headache once and for all.

However Ukraine is still very successful in playing a role of an innocent victim in the eyes of the West to be able to invade without getting a label of a world aggressor and a full blockade, which is of course not very welcome despite the bravado “your sanctions are nothing to us”.

Of course the first guarantee of Ukraine’s success in the field of theatrical performance playing an innocent victim is the impotence of the readers, who are able neither to disperse a rally nor to neutralize a terrorist.

That is why the idea to show Ukrainians as evil demons, who insidiously destroy their own population, does not turn out very well.

Picture of Slavyansk as a nesting of lovely peaceful angels, who simply want self-determination and autonomy, failed completely. As it is obvious what sort of angel Ponomaryov is. Then he even grasped foreign observers in hostages and got MANPADS from somewhere, which are an extra-rare commodity and its use immediately reclassifies conflict on a completely different level for every military.

redBasically, it did not work out with Slavyansk.

That is why they decided to advance form Odessa, purchasing local police. The plan was to create a new centre of resistance in the barricaded building and if this won’t work out, then at least use the PR around killed people as an advantage. The pan B, as you can see, worked, but badly as the stupid Odessa police were too obvious in helping separatists and were giving away arms right in front of the cameras.

The fact that the Odessa police are the direct organiser of both, the attack of pro-Russian activists on ultras and their murder in the Trade Union building is making the investigation much more complicated. That is why we are unlikely to see any reports of court medical experts.

But even here, regardless of efforts of all the Kremlin’s propaganda personnel, the things don’t work out very well. Inciting hatred they have to deliberately conceal too many obvious and fixed on video facts:

– So these guys attacked first, so how are they victims now?

– So these innocent victims, before their tragic death, shot of someone else’s parade, which was walking not towards them but to a football game.

And so on. So there are victims but they are not innocent – this is a contradiction.

But innocent victims are badly needed. Because as much as Kremlin’s agitators shout “get up a great country!” – the county does not get up. It is tossing and turning, asking questions as it were ready, but still sits and grumbles and does not run to attack. The West does not want to believe that “Russia has its own truth”. Ukrainian aggression against Russia is missing. One stroke lacks only– the same, which was enough for the USA to start a war in Afghanistan in 2001.

Unfortunately we know how such stoke can be provided.

Personal offence is missing. So far for Russians all that is going on is not their problem. From the point of view of a resident of Uryupinsk: he is offered to feel for the problems of incredibly distant and foreign Ukraine and he is asked to begin to help citizens of that foreign to him Ukraine in fight against some Right Sector, which no one in Uryupinsk has heard about 3 months ago, and even now, let’s say honestly, they don’t know and don’t care much about it.

The Kremlin needs a personal offence to every Russian from Ukrainians.

The Kremlin needs that “Daddy, kill a banderite” does not cause any questions and does not demand personal explanations.

The Kremlin wants the war with the Right Sector to become a question of self-defence for every Russian.

What does it all lead to?

To the fact that Russia expects all sorts of bloody surprises by the 9th of May: namely terrorist acts in Moscow or other large cities with plenty of Yarosh’s business cards thrown around the scene.

We know that a terrorist act against their own people is a well proven recipe to mobilise the population.

After the Right Sector will prove that it is internationally dangerous and will display its animal hatred towards Russia by means of organising terrorist acts on the territory of Russia itself, no one will doubt that Ukraine must be immediately invaded. Not to protect a mythical Russian-speaking population of Ukraine, protection of which leads to more questions than answers (who protects Russian-speaking population in Kazakhstan and Latvia?), but for protecting own population, with its full and unconditional support, in the wake of the noble rage, which the boiled as a wave.

At the same time Putin will get to use his favourite “symmetric argument”: if the USA had the right to invade Afghanistan after the World Trade Centre was blown up, then why can’t we invade Ukraine after the most terrible terrorist act in the centre of Russia on the holy day of the 9th of May? Agents of Russian influence inside the USA will address their senators and will sarcastically ask: are you supporting terrorism?

As you can see there are many benefits and bonuses from a good explosion in the centre of Russia.

We recommend Russian people in Russia leave big cities during the May holidays, and especially on the 9th if May, just in case. We also do not recommend the use of underground, be in multi-storey residential buildings and on squares, take part in massive processions between 8th and 10th of May. If you do not want to become an innocent victim, of course.

If Putin hung a picture of the Right Sector in the first act of the play, then in the concluding act Yarosh will most certainly shoot. Possibly on the Red Square.

We write this probable prediction, because we hope for the maximum broadcast of this plan. We hope that publishing plans of the enemy will lead to their cancellation. The scenario described above is a catastrophe, which serves only one purpose: strengthening the position of Putin at cost of lives of the Russian people. That is why we hope that we will be able to influence it somehow by broadcasting it in advance. Please spread it as much as you can.
