Ukrainian Security Services uncovered a conversion centre, which was used by Klimenko and Arbuzov to finance separatists in Odessa.

Source: UNN

The head of the Ukrainian Security Services Valentyn Nalyvaichenko (stated that a conversion center, which financed riots on the 2nd of May, was uncovered in Odessa.

‘We have stopped the activity of a conversion center, which financed riots in Odessa on the 2nd of May,’ – he said.

According to the head of the SSU, 4 people were arrested. Ex-head of the Ministry of Income Alexander Klimenko and ex-deputy Prime Minister of Ukraine Sergey Arbuzov are involved in the activity of this conversion center.

During riots and fire in Odessa on the 2nd of May at least 46 people died, more than 200 were wounded.

SSU were reporting earlier that the riots in Odessa, which led to death of people, were organised outside Ukraine and financed by S. Arbuzov and A. Klimenko.

Later A. Klimenko denied his involvement in financing of support of any protests in Ukraine.

May 6, Lithuanian media round-up

On 6th of May Lithuanian President Dalia Grybauskaitė met with the former President of the European Parliament, Pat Cox. The Lithuanian head of state and the Irish politician, co-head of a European Parliament special mission in Ukraine, reviewed the results and prospects of the EU’s Eastern Partnership programme, talked about the situation in Ukraine and its implications for international security (Press Service of the President, BNS). Read more in Lithuania Tribune:

On  5-6th of May Vytautas Leškevičius, the Vice-Minister of Foreign Affairs of Lithuania, attended a session of the Committee of Ministers of the Council of Europe in Vienna. He encouraged the organization to oppose Russia’s political, economical and military aggression against Ukraine and finally to take strict actions implementing Geneva agreement. Vytautas Leškevičius said that ‘Russia’s occupation and illegal annexation of Crimea, continuous attempts to destabilize the situation in Eastern Ukraine, as well as regular threatening to Ukraine and other neighbors is an existential challenge not only to Ukraine, Moldova, Georgia, but also to this organization and for all of Europe’s human rights, democracy and law.’ (Ministry of Foreign Affairs information, ELTA, )

On May 6th Vilija Aleknaitė-Abramikienė, vice-president of OSCE Parliamentary Assembly, expressed his concern about Russian note regarding stopping to inform Lithuania about military units in Kaliningrad. She said that ‘Kremlin demonstrates that all international agreements and treaties is only a game for Russia and that Kremlin is determined to break into pieces all European security architecture, which was created after World War II.’ Vilija Aleknaitė-Abramikienė also thinks, that Lithuanian society and government institutions, including Ministry of National Defense, couldn’t stay calm any more. (Lithuanian Parliament Press Office, BNS, ELTA, unofficial translation)

On May 6th Rimantas Šadžius, Lithuanian Minister of Finance, said that ‘Russian-Ukrainian conflict will have a limited impact on the Lithuanian economy’ (BNS, 15, Lithuanian National Radio and Television). Read more in Lithuania Tribune:

Frank-Walter Steinmeier, the German Federal Minister for Foreign Affairs, in an interview to Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung newspaper said that there is a threat that conflict in Ukraine will reach the point of no return and it becomes a start of war in Eastern Europe (, Read more in Lithuania Tribune:

Angela Merkel, Chancellor of Germany, in a press conference said that would be a pity if Russian President uses the celebration of the Victory Day to visit Crimea. (,

Putin’s plan for the 9th of May

Everyone understands that Russia is tired of Ukraine. Everyone understands that Russia wants to finally invade Ukraine form Slavyansk to Chop and get rid of this headache once and for all.

However Ukraine is still very successful in playing a role of an innocent victim in the eyes of the West to be able to invade without getting a label of a world aggressor and a full blockade, which is of course not very welcome despite the bravado “your sanctions are nothing to us”.

Of course the first guarantee of Ukraine’s success in the field of theatrical performance playing an innocent victim is the impotence of the readers, who are able neither to disperse a rally nor to neutralize a terrorist.

That is why the idea to show Ukrainians as evil demons, who insidiously destroy their own population, does not turn out very well.

Picture of Slavyansk as a nesting of lovely peaceful angels, who simply want self-determination and autonomy, failed completely. As it is obvious what sort of angel Ponomaryov is. Then he even grasped foreign observers in hostages and got MANPADS from somewhere, which are an extra-rare commodity and its use immediately reclassifies conflict on a completely different level for every military.

redBasically, it did not work out with Slavyansk.

That is why they decided to advance form Odessa, purchasing local police. The plan was to create a new centre of resistance in the barricaded building and if this won’t work out, then at least use the PR around killed people as an advantage. The pan B, as you can see, worked, but badly as the stupid Odessa police were too obvious in helping separatists and were giving away arms right in front of the cameras.

The fact that the Odessa police are the direct organiser of both, the attack of pro-Russian activists on ultras and their murder in the Trade Union building is making the investigation much more complicated. That is why we are unlikely to see any reports of court medical experts.

But even here, regardless of efforts of all the Kremlin’s propaganda personnel, the things don’t work out very well. Inciting hatred they have to deliberately conceal too many obvious and fixed on video facts:

– So these guys attacked first, so how are they victims now?

– So these innocent victims, before their tragic death, shot of someone else’s parade, which was walking not towards them but to a football game.

And so on. So there are victims but they are not innocent – this is a contradiction.

But innocent victims are badly needed. Because as much as Kremlin’s agitators shout “get up a great country!” – the county does not get up. It is tossing and turning, asking questions as it were ready, but still sits and grumbles and does not run to attack. The West does not want to believe that “Russia has its own truth”. Ukrainian aggression against Russia is missing. One stroke lacks only– the same, which was enough for the USA to start a war in Afghanistan in 2001.

Unfortunately we know how such stoke can be provided.

Personal offence is missing. So far for Russians all that is going on is not their problem. From the point of view of a resident of Uryupinsk: he is offered to feel for the problems of incredibly distant and foreign Ukraine and he is asked to begin to help citizens of that foreign to him Ukraine in fight against some Right Sector, which no one in Uryupinsk has heard about 3 months ago, and even now, let’s say honestly, they don’t know and don’t care much about it.

The Kremlin needs a personal offence to every Russian from Ukrainians.

The Kremlin needs that “Daddy, kill a banderite” does not cause any questions and does not demand personal explanations.

The Kremlin wants the war with the Right Sector to become a question of self-defence for every Russian.

What does it all lead to?

To the fact that Russia expects all sorts of bloody surprises by the 9th of May: namely terrorist acts in Moscow or other large cities with plenty of Yarosh’s business cards thrown around the scene.

We know that a terrorist act against their own people is a well proven recipe to mobilise the population.

After the Right Sector will prove that it is internationally dangerous and will display its animal hatred towards Russia by means of organising terrorist acts on the territory of Russia itself, no one will doubt that Ukraine must be immediately invaded. Not to protect a mythical Russian-speaking population of Ukraine, protection of which leads to more questions than answers (who protects Russian-speaking population in Kazakhstan and Latvia?), but for protecting own population, with its full and unconditional support, in the wake of the noble rage, which the boiled as a wave.

At the same time Putin will get to use his favourite “symmetric argument”: if the USA had the right to invade Afghanistan after the World Trade Centre was blown up, then why can’t we invade Ukraine after the most terrible terrorist act in the centre of Russia on the holy day of the 9th of May? Agents of Russian influence inside the USA will address their senators and will sarcastically ask: are you supporting terrorism?

As you can see there are many benefits and bonuses from a good explosion in the centre of Russia.

We recommend Russian people in Russia leave big cities during the May holidays, and especially on the 9th if May, just in case. We also do not recommend the use of underground, be in multi-storey residential buildings and on squares, take part in massive processions between 8th and 10th of May. If you do not want to become an innocent victim, of course.

If Putin hung a picture of the Right Sector in the first act of the play, then in the concluding act Yarosh will most certainly shoot. Possibly on the Red Square.

We write this probable prediction, because we hope for the maximum broadcast of this plan. We hope that publishing plans of the enemy will lead to their cancellation. The scenario described above is a catastrophe, which serves only one purpose: strengthening the position of Putin at cost of lives of the Russian people. That is why we hope that we will be able to influence it somehow by broadcasting it in advance. Please spread it as much as you can.


Dmitry Tymchuk– On the Infiltration of Provocateurs and Saboteurs into Ukraine

Translated and edited by Voices of Ukraine

Concerning reports of provocateurs and saboteurs infiltrating into the territory of Ukraine

1. Antratsyt, Donetsk Region

Concerning yesterday’s sightings of KaMAZ trucks transporting extremists with Russian flags, in the town of Antratsyt [Donetsk Region]. Information about possible attempts of saboteurs to cross the border in this area was received by appropriate Ukrainian state authorities on the morning of May 5, 2014. Rapid measures were taken to increase security at the state border, involving additional forces of the State Border Guard Service, the Security Service of Ukraine [SBU], and the Armed Forces of Ukraine. There is no record of any motor transport columns carrying groups of people crossing the state border.

Special services and law enforcement authorities are currently investigating the situation. It is possible that the ‘sighting’ was organized by Donbass-based extremists in order to imitate a ‘breach of the border’ by extremists from Russia.

2. Border with Transnistria

According to our information, up to 250 ‘Putin’s tourists’ and saboteurs were transported to the territory of Ukraine from Transnistria over the past 3 days. Their task is to continue destabilizing the situation in the southern regions of our country. The planned peak of this destabilization is May 9th [Victory Day].

Previously, these individuals had arrived to Transnistria from Russia, coordinated by officers of the Russian Federal Security Service [FSB]. Information Resistance made numerous reports of this during March-April 2014. Currently, [Ukrainian] special services are taking measures to neutralize these extremist groups.

3. Crimea

Extremists coordinated by Russian special services continue arriving in Odessa from Crimea.

Due to the strict entry regulations ensured at the administrative border of the Autonomous Republic of Crimea by the forces of the State Border Guard Service of Ukraine, saboteurs and provocateurs adopted a new tactic. Ukrainian citizens residing in Crimea, being hired by Russian special services, travel to the mainland individually or in small groups, posing as peaceful citizens. Following that, they closely cooperate with local separatists and receive weapons after their arrival on-site.

Ukrainian special services are working to neutralize these saboteurs as well.

Dmitry Tymchuk: Events 6th of May

Brothers and sisters, the 6th of May.

The bad:

1. Thehead of SBU, V. Nalyvaichenko, said that the situation in the Donbass is complicated because the locals are under the influence of serious disinformation and do not trust the Interior Ministry, Security Service and the Ministry of Defense.

So here is a question: what did structures of Ukraine did to fight the powerful propaganda machine from Russia for the past 2 months? Where do we start with our counter-propaganda? Who is responsible for our information policy and IPSO (informational-psychological operations) at headquarters of ATO? Where is the coordinating agency of informational resistance, which was supposed to be created under the National Security Council? Many questions and zero answers.

Yes, it’s true that both state structures and among the citizens there are plenty of patriots who are doing this work [information and counter-propaganda] out of sheer enthusiasm. That’s a good thing. But informational resistance against Russian propaganda is a task primarily for the state with all its resources. It is impossible to win a real war while the war is being lost in the minds of people of the East.

2 . M.Koval the Defense Minister says that the government does not want to engage in a military confrontation with civilians of Donbass, so anti-terrorist operation is progressing slowly .

I agree with Mr Koval. Destroyed territory – is not an option. We’re not Russian troops in the Caucasus.

But I will repeat again – government finally somehow allowed the use of weapons during the active stages of ATO. Bless them. But it is not enough – please allow the military to open fire defending attacks on them and their protected objects. They can not fight armed terrorists with prayers and hymns.

3 . Russia sees no point in new negotiations with Ukraine if the Russian supported terrorists are not at the table.
I think for a start we need to ask Russia to share their great experience in conflict resolution, for example – the Caucasus.

And we will try in this list of civilian murders, destruction of entire communities and other bloody crimes, to find at least one allusion to the Russian desire to solve similar situation at the negotiating table.

The good:

1. The Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine recommended that Acting President Oleksandr Turchynov appoint a person responsible for managing the anti-terrorist operation, as part of coordinating the security and defense authorities in the course of the ATO.

The coordination of security forces in the ATO – is a sore point operations. It is vital to solve this problem.

But I do not quite understand the need for another officer? Why can’t the commander of ATO provide such coordination – it is his direct responsibility, isn’t? And they will probably recommend five deputies each one for separate power structure. And then the decisions will be made during the debates. I do not think that such a system will be an efficient and correct for the situation .

Let’s wait and see how this is going to work, it is better than nothing. At least the problem has been noticed and someone is doing something about it.


2 . Sergey Chebotar, the Deputy Interior Ministry participated at the press conference in Odessa regarding the tragic events of May the 2nd.

He informed that the head of the Chief Directorate of the Ministry of Internal Affairs [in Odessa], as well as three of his deputies, had been dismissed. 160 people who participated in the riots on both sides were detained. From now on all people in masks will be detained. Quite a few of Interior Ministry’s personnel were sacked for cowardice.

The sacking business would be a lot more difficult in the East. According to Information resistance data, few police chiefs were paid to turn in their allegedly captured offices and departments. The amounts of $100.000 were mentioned.

I am appealing to  Mr. Avakov, our Interior Minister. To be honest, after complete stagnation of police departments ( I mean ignoring the problems with the local security forces in the East and South) I have no particular reason to trust you. But the current steps do inspire my confidence – I hope not only me, but many of my countrymen . If you will finish to clean the Ministry of Internal Affairs for the benefit – I will be the first raise my hat to you and ask to shake your hand.

3 . All structures of Maidan Self-defense will now operate under the Interior Ministry, the National Guard and Army. This decision was made by Self Defense Council, chaired by  A.Parubiy, the Secretary of the National Security and Defense Council.

This is at last a decent answer to Moscow’s moans and wails about the disarmament of illegal armed groups in Kiev under the Geneva Agreement.

Well, Mr. Putin, now it’s your turn to show how you can keep your word. We have no illusions and we expect another avalanche of lies and excuses from Moscow. So let the world for the nth time see the true face of Kremlin.

Battle in Slavyansk – May 5, 2014

By Borislav Bereza
Translated and edited by Voices of Ukraine

In a fierce battle, Ukrainian special forces, defeated a large group of terrorists who attempted to break out from Slavyansk, which has been surrounded by the Ukrainian military. Several hundred bandits attacked the positions of our troops and were pushed back, suffering heavy losses. Significant quantities of the newest, Russian-made weapons were captured on the battlefield, including what Russian spetsnaz GRU is known to be armed with. The battlefield remains under our control, cleanup is on-going, as the fight subsided literally 30 minutes ago. A crucial role was played by Interior Ministry special forces soldiers of the “Omega” and ” Jaguar” squads, and the special “Alpha” squad of the SBU.

Unfortunately, during the heavy fighting our troops suffered heavy losses. Four Ukrainian soldiers were killed, while one is in critical condition, and about 20 of our soldiers were wounded. Medical assistance was administered and they were evacuated by helicopter to nearby hospitals.

Eternal memory to the fallen in the battle for freedom and independence of our country…


Terrorists in Donetsk distribute weapons, captured two hostages

dmitry_tymchukBy Dmitry Tymchuk, Information Resistance group, 2014-05-06, 22:00.

According to fresh Information Resistance updates, terrorists, based at one of the Donetsk executive committees, have presently organized distribution of weapons to those wishing to participate in their armed provocations.

The terrorists brought the weapons with them.

We identified Russian subversives among those distributing weapons.

Meanwhile, terrorists have captured two officers from the local enlistment office in Dobropol rayon (district) of Donetsk oblast (region). In exchange for their release, terrorists are demanding 300 automatic rifles.

Ukrainians are refusing St. George’s Ribbon in favor of the ‘Red Poppy’

From Euromaidanpr Facebook

For the first time in Ukrainian history, during official events dedicated to the anniversary of the ending of Wold War II, this year not Russian, but European symbols will be used. In order to commemorate those fallen, not the St. George’s Ribbon, but the red poppy flower will be used. This idea and the graphic realization of it was the result of cooperation of the Ukrainian Institute of National Memory and the National TV Company of Ukraine.

‘We propose a new symbol as a presentation of our respect for those who destroyed Nazism. This will be the red poppy flower – both a European and a Ukrainian symbol. In it said in our songs that poppies bloom where Cossack blood had been spilt,’ noted the director of the Ukrainian Institute of National Memory Volodymyr Vyatrovich.


‘The commemoration day, the day of the capitulation of Nazi Germany. The symbol has to be something notable, something that would symbolize not a holiday, which war cannot be by definition, but memory and mourning,’ added the head of the National TV Company Zurab Alasania.

The graphic representation – an allusion of a red poppy on one hand, and a bloody trace of a bullet on the other, – represents the essence of war, talks about suffering, death, heroism, about millions of dead – the most important things about war.

The logo also contains the motto ‘Never again,’ as it is in our power to prevent the repeat of the horrors of war, and the years of warfare: 1939-1945.

‘World War II was more than the Great Patriotic War. In particular, for Ukraine. For Ukraine the war began in 1939, and not in 1941,’ stated Kharkov designer, author of the logo Sergiy Mishakin.

Official events in commemoration of the ending of War World II in Europe and victory over Nazism will be conducted on May 8th and 9th. In 2014 and on, together with Europe and the entire world, Ukraine will begin the commemoration of the deceased on May 8th – on the day of the signing of the capitulation by Nazi Germany – and will continue traditional celebrations on May 9th.

In particular, it is planned to hold the symbolic event ‘First minute of peace’ on May 8th. As is known, the capitulation of Germany was signed on May 8th late in the evening. Strictly speaking the war ended on this day in Europe. Therefore this year Ukraine will widen the commemoration of the war, which should never be repeated.

We remind you that the organisation of solemn events in Ukraine on May 8th will also allow to hold a part of the celebration in unison with other countries of the anti-Hitler coalition: the UK, France, the US. And on May 9th the memory of those fallen in the fight against Nazism will be commemorated in the Park of Eternal Glory and on St. Sophia’s Square.

The Ukrainian Institute of National Memory is calling for the media and civil community to use the red poppy flower as a Ukrainian symbol of traditional celebration of victory over Nazism and the end of World War II in Europe.


Summary of Events, 5th of May

By Dmitry Tymchuk, translated by Voices of Ukraine

Brothers and sisters,

Here’s the Summary for May 5, 2014.

The bad news:

1. Not-suited-to-be-candidate [Oleh] Tsaryov barged in from Moscow (by the way, he flew in with Kremlin envoy Lukin and that speaks for itself), looked in Luhansk, and immediately thereafter the Luhansk regional council headed by self-proclaimed “governor” Bolotov announced a “referendum.” He also demanded from Kyiv to remove troops from the east of Ukraine and to stop the anti-terrorist operation (ATO).

It is not known how much money Tsaryov drew from Putin, but the little Luhansk deputies very accurately reproduced in their appeal earlier ultimatums from Moscow to the Ukrainian authorities. By the way, it remains a mystery exactly how many local deputies supported the bullshit proposed by Tsaryov with Bolotov.

2. Very dangerous things are happening on the border with Russia. The [Ukrainian] State Border Service records the blocking of border checkpoints by pro-Russian extremists.

There haven’t been any attacks yet. But it seems that if the Russian military need a “corridor” across the border, our border guards will have a very hard time.

3. Our servicemen are dying. Today, an “Alpha” soldier who tried to carry a wounded comrade from the line of gunfire, joined the ranks of the dead. He was killed by an explosion from a grenade.
We bow our heads to those fallen for the freedom of Ukraine. Every one of them is a hero.

By the way, yesterday, during a gunfight of the very same “Alpha” with terrorists, seven SBU operatives were injured, whereas 17 terrorists were killed–we determined the exact number of their casualties.

4. According to data from the Odesa regional organization of the Committee of Voters of Ukraine, either the Odesa police or the doctors sold the database of people who came to hospitals for medical treatment after clashes on May 2 to pro-Russian separatists.

The pro-Russian vermin immediately began to post the names and addresses of Ukrainian patriots on social networks, dripping saliva and threatening with revenge.

All these cowardly mutts can do is to attack from behind, bite and run off. But it’s dangerous when they attack in packs, and you are alone. I very much hope that the Odesa patriots will be able to mobilize to ensure they won’t get hurt.

Wounded "colorado": no more "Russia, russia", now its "please save me", and even gave up his gun.

Wounded “colorado”: no more “Russia, russia”, now its “please save me”, and even gave up his gun.


The good:

1. The ATO continues. Unfortunately, not without oddities.

We do not fully understand the meaning of abandoning the security forces of Kramatorsk. As evidenced by our sources in the city, the terrorists have insufficient forces to capture the city under their control. But instead of a terrorist hell, they throw Kramatorsk adrift in flames of anarchy and the arbitrariness of the local petty criminality. Which isn’t much better.

But … it is better to have a muddy ATO than an extremely clear omission.

2. In Kherson, 36 instigators heading to Odesa from Crimea were detained during a special operation.

Counterintelligence works. And it inspires hope that the bloody scenario imposed by Moscow in the South will nevertheless fail. While it would be better if these visitors are neutralized at the border of the ARC [Autonomous Republic of Crimea] (although, again, [Ukrainian authorities] won’t detain everyone crossing the border–distinguishing Putin’s emissaries from the “tourists” is the task of security services).

3. This news is not so much good but ridiculous. Russian President Putin signed a decree awarding orders and medals to a large group of Russian media.

What a farce. The whole world laughs at these fabulists and mythmakers, who have no relation to journalism. Their crude ability to twist the truth and spread around propaganda pictures intended for a weak mind is pathetic. But Putin appreciates and honors them. Lies, in Russia, today, are an honorable business.

However, personally I thought that at least they are trying so hard for the money. But they serve for food and certificates. Well done.

May 4-5, Lithuanian media round-up

On 5th of May Russia delivered a note to Lithuania announcing that agreement signed in 2001, to inform Lithuania about military units in Kaliningrad, is unilaterally stopped. (Lithuanian Ministry of National Defence Press Office, ELTA,,,,

UPDATE:  On 6th of May The Lithuanian Ministry of Foreign Affairs said that ‘regrets Russia’s unilateral decision, which reduces transparency and confidence-building measures between the neighbouring countries, as well as breaks away from tradition of constructive cooperation of military inspectors.’

Jānis Bērziņš, Latvian defence analyst, recently published a report ‘Russia’s new generation warfare in Ukraine: implications for Latvian defence policy’ outlining Russia’s approach to ‘new-generation warfare’, based on analysis of material in the Russian military press (Lithuania Tribune). You can read this report here:

Ambassador Raimonda Murmokaitė, Lithuanian Permanent Representative to the United Nations, on 2nd of May at the urgent United Nations Security Council meeting on the recent developments in Eastern Ukraine stressed that Lithuania condemns any attempts to destroy Ukraine’s independence, sovereignty and territorial integrity. (Lithuanian Ministry of Foreign Affairs information)